Лев Гунин


Открытое письмо Премьер-министру Канады

Спасибо, господин Харпер, за то, что число бездомных и нищих на наших улицах удвоилось и утроилось. То, что при Вас нищета стала кричащей, конечно, Ваша заслуга. Вы заставили всех её увидеть. Консервативное мышление: обращение времени вспять.

Спасибо, г. Харпер, что смогли обеспечить ценам на бензин успешный взлёт (до небес), а лопнувшим по швам бюджетам простах канадцев: падение в бездну; действительно, разве не настало время покончить со всей этой так называемой "демократией", и оставить такую привилегию как личный транспорт лишь для нескольких тысяч слуг Вашего Величества.

Спасибо за отмену всех прав покупателей, что сделало их жертвами всякого рода злоупотреблений. Большие (и меньшие) магазины теперь продают нам пользованные, дефектные, неполные по комплектующим (и т.д.) товары, без неизбежной обязанности заменить их или вернуть деньги. Продавцы игнорируют клиентов; их отношение стало грубым и даже вызывающим, как будто их доход зависит от марсиан. Нас заставили покупать гарантию у магазина, тогда как совсем недавно гарантия была неотделима от продукта. Имея досье на каждого гражданина, и шпионские камеры, что регистрируют каждую покупку, они пользуются нашей уязвимостью. Одноразовые бритвы рассчитаны на то, чтобы провести по щеке только 1 раз.

Спасибо за отмену прав квартиросъёмщиков(арендаторов), и вместо них - предоставление владельцам недвижимости привилегии оскорблять, унижать, насиловать, грабить квартиросъёмщиков, превращая их жильё в клоаки, кишащие мышами, вшами, мухами, клопами и тараканами [1].

Когда Вы, г. Харпер, ещё не успели сделать себя Премьер-министром Канады, цены на аренду жилья имели обыкновение пожирать только половину зарплаты рядового труженика. Теперь ежемесячная арендная плата удвоилась, вынуждая семью жертвовать зарплатой одного её члена, а одинокого человека искать себе соседа по комнате.

Спасибо за то, что оставили нас без медицинской помощи, и теперь попасть на приём к участковому врачу, сделать анализ крови, или просто продлить рецепт на лекарство становится серьёзным испытанием. Под вашим мудрым руководством приёмные покои отделений "Скорой помощи" стали ассоциироваться с высшей мерой наказания, потому что люди умирают тут же, на скамьях, не получая никакой помощи от врачей в течение 12-ти, 48-ми, 54 часов ожидания. Прямо сейчас, сегодня (27 сентября, 2008), ещё один бездомный умер в Монреале, в комнате ожидания приёмного покоя отделения "Скорой помощи", забытый всеми: на него просто не обратили внимания. [2].

В какой-то мере, эта ситуация возникла из-за саботажа профилактического лечения и невозможности добиться встречи с участковым врачом и со специалистом узкого профиля. Другая причина - приватизация "узлов обслуживания", площадей, кабинетов, оборудования, и т.д. многих больниц, а также коррупция: взятки, фаворитизм, незаконная аренда государственных помещений или оборудования врачами, занимающимися частной практикой, вымогательство денег, мошенничество (например, обман правительственных органов и чиновников, с предъявлением счетов за услуги, которые пациенту не были предоставлены (обеспечены), за оборудование, что не было использовано, за время, которое не было потрачено, и т.д.) лень, садизм, и многое другое. Корень проблемы - распад всей системы моральных ценностей, а также правовой иммунитет медицинского персонала, настоящий щит от судебного преследования. Такие действия вне больницы, какие привели бы к открытию уголовного дела, не караются ничем, если совершены медининскими работниками за её стенами. Кто-то спросит: а кто же тогда пойдёт работать в медицину? Нет, на самом деле преславутая нехватка врачей и медсестр - миф. Профсоюз медицинских работников, организация "Коллегия Врачей", экзаменационная комиссия, которая оценивает кандидатов на соответствие званию (лицензии) медсестёр и врачей незаконно отклоняют кандидатуры тысячей самых лучших потенциальных медицинских работников: чтобы искусственно поддерживать высокие зарплаты, а также чтоб не потерять оправдания для лени и жестокости. Они не пропускают честных и сострадательных кандидатов только потому, что те не могут "вписаться" в Систему. Нарушения и преступления вокруг медицинских экзаменов просто невероятны, и Вы знаете это, г. Харпер.

Спасибо за то, что полиция хватает, бьёт и мучает больных и сопровождающих из родственников и друзей, стоит только им выразить своё мнение по поводу "человечности", "радушия", и "справедливости" канадских больниц.

Спасибо за превращение канадских медицинских учреждений в полицейские участки, единственная и главная функция которых - не лечение больных, но шпионаж, карательные меры, "воспитание" и "перевоспитание", пропаганда, идеология, власть, "социальная установка", и т.д. Теперь самые важные люди в любой канадской больнице - не медработники, а полицейские, "социальная служба", гориллы-охранники (со сверхдорогими камерами наблюдения и другим оборудованием "безопасности"): вот кто получают львиную долю денег налогоплательщиков. Когда Вы говорите "мы тратим деньги налогоплательщиков на медицинское обслуживание", мы понимаем это как "мы тратим деньги налогоплательщиков на покупку ещё более дорогого оборудования для слежки за гражданами, для найма на работу в больницы ещё большего числа охранников и полицейских".

Врачи стали вымирающим видом. Редкие экземпляры его иногда показываются в палате, самое частое - раз в 3 дня, а то и в неделю; больные же всецело предоставлены попечению жестоких и даже садистских медсёстер (а то и "нянечек"), окружённых непробиваемой бронёй своего профсоюза, так что никто и не посмеет их наказать даже если они в буквальном смысле съедят своего пациента, разрубив на кусочки и зажарив на сковородке. Преступления, совершаемые за стенами канадских больниц, бесчисленней, ужасней и распространённей, чем те, что совершают мафия и уличные банды.

Спасибо за то, что канадские граждане ходят без зубов. Всё чаще и чаще мы встречаем индивидуумов с гнилыми, разлагающимися, чёрными сломанными кусками бывших "жемчужин" во рту, издающими невыносимую вонь, а то и вовсе без "жевательных инструментов": потому что мы не в состоянии больше оплачивать услуги дандиста. Любая область, где талмудеи и их светские братья и сёстры формируют ощутимое число (дантисты, кардиологи, и т.д.) - неизбежно становится орудием агрессивного выколачиванья денег, зоной, свободной от какой-либо морали и этических норм. 4 или 5 приятных и сердечных дантистов-евреев не делают погоды.

Благодарю, господин Харпер, за установление супер-цензуры, которая уже перещеголяла цензуру эпохи Гитлера и Сталина. Ваш контроль над средствами массовой информации ну просто поразителен, господин Харпер... мы так гордимся Вами. Канада стала чемпионом мира в этой области. Просто невероятно, как все абсолютно новости удалены из газет и телевидения, кроме новостей Вашей семейной жизни, прогноза погоды и еврейских праздников. Вы просто не представляете, господин Харпер, как нам повезло, что Вы спасаете нас от таких ужасных событий, как война (например о недавней войне на Кавказе (когда она вспыхнула) канадские СМИ нам ничего не сообщили), чрезвычайные сессии Совета Безопасности ООН, главные международные и внутриполитические события, эпидемии или инифицирование пищевых продуктов (см. ниже). Оптимизм и неведение делают нас счастливее. Ваши героические усилия по подъёму национального оптимизма выше национального достоинства полны такой решимости, что большинство из нас не знало ничего, когда люди уже начали умирать от инифицированного Кленового Листа... опс... от ... дуста... мммм... от инфицированных КЛ-продуктов. Да, многие из нас могли бы остаться в живых, если бы узнали это вовремя (спаслись бы от Кленового Листа) ... но... кого это заботит? Гораздо важнее оставаться несведущими оптимистами [3].

Двое из Ваших министров, госп. Харпер, не смогли удержаться - и разразились гоготом и шутками-прибаутками, когда говорили о трагической вспышке инфекции, и это оскорбило семьи тех, кто отравился продуктами "Кленового Листа" [эмблема и флаг Канады] - и умер. Однако, Ваши министры не раскаялись и не принесли извинений. Вместо этого, они принесли "извиняющие себя извинения", которые вообще-то принято называть самооправданием. Это правильно. Оптимизм и невежество являются национальным здоровьем, а не национальное здоровье как здоровье (как таковое) [4].

Спасибо, господин Харпер, что превратили Канаду в полицейское государство, где полицейским дано разрешение арестовывать, бить, умертвлять (убийство людей с помощью "электрического пистолета" ("электрошока" - так называют "teezer" (Tazer) - стало очень популярным развлечением Ваших "стражей порядка"), подвергать граждан репрессиям и шпионить за ними без всякой причины. Спасибо за "тэйзирование" несчастного и ни в чём не повинного польского гражданина Роберта Дзеканьского до смерти, а заодно и за то, что его кровожадные убийцы с помощью Вашего режима, господин Харпер, избежали не только СПРАВЕДЛИВОГО суда, но ВООБЩЕ судебного процесса. Спасибо за убийство полицейскими 17-летнего парня в Северном Монреале, настолько возмутившим людей, что после этого трагического случая начались широкие волнения и беспорядки. Спасибо за другие сотни и сотни смертей [4].

Спасибо за попытки покушения на идеологических противников вашего режима, и за шпионаж за ними .

Спасибо за превращение канадских городов в большие тюрьмы, жители которых стали узниками, за какими круглые сутки, - и днём, и ночью - неусыпно наблюдают десятки тысяч вдиокамер полиции. Никакой презумпции невиновности; все граждане - подозреваемые. Никакой конфиденциальности, интимности, охраны "прайвеси"; частная жизнь - объект наблюдения. Плотность так назваемых "камер безопасности" достигает иногда 15 на квадратный метр: чтобы видеть каждую чёрточку, каждый миллименр, каждую клеточку вашего тела, каждый оттенок выражения глаз и рисунок радужной оболочки, каждый жест, каждый полутон выражения лица. Никакая "профилактика преступлений" не может объяснять и оправдать этот параноидальный, оскорбительный, агрессивный, запугивающий "стиль тюремщиков", с помощью которого уместно разве что следить за уголовниками в тюрьме. Несмотря на все камеры, криминогенная обстановка становится всё более и более серьёзной. Для каждого очевидно, что все эти камеры и невероятное по численности присутствие полиции на улицах и во всех других общественных местах канадских городов только увеличили цифры статистики преступлений в несколько раз, ибо такова реакция общества на террор и репрессии. В недавнем прошлом, когда за 5 дней на улицах Монреаля можно было не встретить ни одного полицейского и не увидеть ни одной полицейской машины (ещё в конце 1990-х), преступности практически не было. Как скот, как подопытных кроликов, как рабов нас конвоируют и перевозят с помощью метро на работу и с работы под постоянной охраной надсмотрщаков-полицейских и глаз десятков тысяч видеокамер.

КГБ, Гестапо, или Штази лопнули бы от зависти, если бы эти органзации всё ещё существовали. Они так никогда и не достигли уровня такого тоталитарного контроля.

С другой стороны, господин Харпер, никто не управляет вашим правительством, никто его не контролирует; никакой независимой прессы, комитетов, контроллёров, оппозиции, диссидентов, социально-общественной инициативы больше нет. Никаких консультаций с общественностью, не говоря уже о референдуме, по поводу невероятного и агрессивного увеличения числа и качества камер-шпионов, не проводилось. Если бы даже оказалось правдой, что некоторые из них, размещённые в Метро, оборудованы специальным транлятором, посылающим микроволновые сигналы, воздействующие на мозг пассажиров (см.: научно-исследовательская разработка "Medusa" (полное название "Проект Медуза"), проводимая Израилем и Соединенными Штатами), даже если это оказалось бы правдой: ни у кого в современной Канаде нет возможности возразить. Если это действительно так: что вашим цепным псам дали в помощь так называемую "систему распознавания лиц" ("Face Recognition System"), связанную со всеми камерами наблюдения в Метро, банках, больницах, магазинах, общественных туалетах, на улицах, стоянках, торговых центрах, библиотеках, школах, и т.д., - кто может бороться с этим? Вы - король, император и бог в Канаде.

Спасибо, господин Харпер, что Вы расправились со всеми независимыми комитетами (контроллёрами, орбитражными комиссиями, и т.д.), такими, как санитарный, эпидемический, безопасности атомных электростанций, и т.д. Это - одна из причин вспышки листериоза и сальмонеллёза в этой "стране Кленового Листа". Теперь Вы сами будете управлять Природой и стоять над ней, прикавая, как постановить (есть ли эпидемия - или её нет). Наступила эпоха Ваших единоличных решений по поводу наличия сальмонеллёза - или его отсутствия, наличия радиации (канадского Чернобыля или 3-Майлз-Айленда) - или её отсутствия, и т.д. Когда Вы уволили главу Комиссии по Безопасности Атомной Энергетики, перекрыв вердикт (рекомендации) Комиссии вашим имперским решением, это было только начало. Многие непредсказуемые, невероятные события, которых ни один научный фантаст или футуролог не может себе даже представить, ждут нас в ближайшем будущем с Вами, господин Харпер, если вы снова будете играть роль Премьер-министра - а у Вас имеются намерения и в следующем театральном сезоне выйти на политическую сцену в той же роли [5].

Ваши оппозиционные партии, низведённые до роли статистов, участвующих в массовках, исполняющие суррогат Вашего императорского двора, больше не являются реальной оппозицией. Ваши мудрые работодатели лишили их какого-либо влияния и веса. Они не имеют никакого права подать голос. Ни одна газета в Канаде не опубликует политического заявления или манифеста господина Дюсеппа, господина Диона, или господина Лэйтона. На один телевизионный канал не позволит им говорить без грубых и злонамеренных прерываний их выступления телеведущими. Ни одно средство массовой информации в Канаде не выражает сегодня взглядов, отличных от "ваших" (хотя мы знаем, господин Харпер, что никакого собственного мнения ни по одному вопросу у Вас нет, а все Ваши мнения: это мнения Ваших нанимателей, Вы знаете, о каких "взглядах" идёт речь).

Между прочим, нам понравился Ваш телевизионный ролик в стиле Геббельса-Берии против Диона. Он чудесным образом переносит нас назад, в эпоху 1930-х, когда нацисты и сталинисты расправлялись с лидерами оппозиции, объявляя их "врагами народа"); ведь это тот же самый примитивный, издевательский, оскорбительный, агрессивный, тоталитарный тон. Конечно, в демократическом государстве господин Дион тотчас вызвал бы Вас в суд; Ваша избирательная кампания была бы остановлена, и Ваша карьера закончилась бы раз и навсегда, из-за несоответствия Ваших тоталитарных, противозаконных, силовых, репрессивных и антидемократических методов основам канадской демократии. Конечно, Либералы или Новые Демократы могли бы нарисовать более шикарную карикатуру на Вас, чем Вы на них, но им этого никто не позволит. Это и есть разница между диктатором - и другими партиями в тоталитарном государстве: что позволено диктатору - запрещено им.

"Победа на выборах, - якобы, говаривал Сталин, - достаётся тому, кто подсчитывает голоса". Это о Вас, господин Харпер.

Ваш неофеодальный плакат также произвёл на нас впечатление: "Мы (консерваторы) добились большого активного сальдо (казны), но не собираемся делиться им с бедняками".

Спасибо за точку в создании нового класса паразитов: тех, кто ничего не производит, ничего не создаёт, ничего не обеспечивает и не делает ничего. Благодарю за предоставление им социального доминирования и власти, обладающей большим влиянием, чем все рабочие, инженеры, учёные, художники, авторы, медицинские специалисты, работники сервиса и средств массовой информации, предприниматели, бизнесмены, и др. вкупе. Нет, мы не имеем в виду бюрократов и политических деятелей. Кроме самых ленивых, таких, как Вы, госп. Харпер, они, по крайней мере, хоть что-то делают. Мы говорим о ненужных ("политических") отделах полиции и других жандармских организаций, и всех так называемых агентствах безопасности, частных и правительственных. Сначала, при Малруни (вторым пришествием которого называют Вас, господин Харпер), их число увеличили до тысячей, а теперь их - миллионы в редко населенной Канаде, и Вы - один из них. Это - самое тяжёлое бремя на шее канадского народа.

По некоторым причинам онтологического характера я вынужден был прервать мои благодарения Вам, господин Харпер, на нескольких дней, и - voila! - господин Буш, ваш ментальный брат, появился на телевидении со своей блестящей речью.

Он поделился со зрителями своим умммным пппланом бороться с глубббоким экономическим кккризисом, посылая этот ккккризис в нокккаут отправкой в топку очередных 700 миллиардов долларов американских налогоплательщиков. Он сказал, что это - чрезвычайная ситуация, ситуация смерти или жжжизни, или жизни или смерти, как война или революция, и что американский народ нуждается в немедленном решении, таком срочном, таком срочном... что... можно... Но среди прочих умных вещей, которые мы услышали от него, было и то, что Конгресс США собирается отложить голосование по плану Буша из-за еврейского праздника.

Они (конгрессмены США) решили отменить свой национальный долг из-за еврейского религиозного праздника, несмотря на то, что Американская Конституция отделила религию от Государства.

Прервали ли бы они работу американского парламента (в чрезвычайной ситуации!? в ситуации жизни и смерти) из-за мусульманского, или буддистского, или даже христианского праздника?

Если правительство какого-либо многонационального и многоконцессионного государства станет отмечать каникулами каждый "красный" религиозный листок календаря - праздник приверженцев каждой веры, оно будет на постоянных каникулах, и работа всех государственных органов будет парализована. Нет, совершенно очевидно, что такая привилегия была сделана только для "детей Авраама". Вероятно, чтобы отметить их особый вклад в политку США, главным образом заключающийся в том, что они сосут миллиарды долларов для Израиля и нужд еврейских общин?

Спасибо, господин Харпер, за убийство сотен женщин коренного американского (автохтонского) происхождения; за поддержку вторжения в Ирак и Афганистан, которое обошлось в миллионы человеческих жизней, спасибо за отправку канадских военных кораблей против России на российские рубежи в Чёрном море. Вы, господин Харпер, уже решили все проблемы в Канаде; теперь Вам осталось только сунуть свой волчий нос в дела России. Ну-ну!

Между нами, господин Харпер: ведь вы - не настоящий Премьер-министр. Правда? Канада - Британский доминион, который был передан Великобританий в долгосрочное "арендное пользование" Израилю. Это даже не колония, это - суб-колония. И вы - только прокуратор, как Пилат, который убил (вместе с Иродом и еврейским первосвященником Каифой) Иисуса Христа. В Вас нет Бога, нет морали, нет милосердия.

Между нами, господин Харпер, никто ведь не собирался Вас убивать. Вы придумали этот заговор, чтобы подстроить 9/11 в Канаде, и облегчить введение (на том основании) тиранических "чрезвычайных" законов, и отобрать все наши гражданские свободы. Однако, глупые обычные люди, серые мышки, они ведь поверили Вам, и про себя думают так: "Ну почему они (террористы) не добились успеха?!"

Одно понимает каждый кот и собака, не говоря уже о людях: это то, что отмена "прайвеси" (неприкосновенности личной жизни), и все эти "камеры безопасности", массированное полицейское присутствие и полицейский террор, цензура и "чрезвычайные законы" - не для "безопасности". Правительству, которое отправило канадских граждан назад, в XVIII век, уничтожило медицинскую помощь, права рабочих, потребителей и квартиросъёмщиков, которое убивает канадцев сальмонеллой и электрошоковыми пистолетами, и превращением отделений "Скорой помощи" в Гестапо, правительство, которое плодит нищету и бесправие, миллионы голодных детей: ему наплевать на нашу безопасность. Вас, господин Харпер, волнует и заботит исключительно Ваша собственная безопасность, и ничья больше.

Наша подлинная безопасность - не Ваша поддельная "защита" от мифических "террористов". Мы знаем, что ради своего политического выживания Вы готовы взорвать любой торговый центр, поджечь ракетами любой канадский город, нанять террористов для доказательства, что террористическая угроза существует. Наша РЕАЛЬНАЯ безопасность: это гарантия получения, когда необходимо, срочной медицинской помощи, гарантия того, что не подохнешь, как собака, на стуле, на скамье, а то и на полу приёмного покоя "Скорой помощи" от какой-нибудь пустяковой инфекции, после 34-х и более часов предсмертных мук и бесплодного ожидания; наша безопасность - это защита от агрессивных работодателей и владельцев жилья, которое мы арендуем (арендаторами является подавляющее большинство канадцев); наша безопасность - это возвращение наших потребительских прав; наша безопасность - это отмена власти и диктата банков; наша безопасность - это восстановление разумного баланса цены - зарплата; наша безопасность - это решение жилищной проблемы, сегодня реально затронувшей даже средний класс; наша безопасность - это прекращение полицейского террора и всевластия полиции и "агентств безопасности"; наша безопасность - это не больше камер наблюдения, что шпионят за нами, но меньше преступлений, наркотиков и насилия, что недостижимо без решения социальных проблем, сокращения числа бездомных, обездоленных, живущих на грошовые зарплаты и социальных лишенцев; наша безопасность - это спасение от всевидящих Орвеллианских электронных глаз в Метро и повсюду, от агрессивного вмешательства в нашу частную жизнь; наша безопасность - это недопустимость правительственного прослушивания частных бесед и перлюстрации частной корреспонденции, с тотальной записью подслушанного и подсмотренного на электронные носители; и множество других очень важных вещей, которые не включены в ваш, господин Харпер, план "безопасности".

Мы знаем, что все эти отрицательные перемены, которые либо закреплены, либо введены вашим правительством: калька с политических, идеологических, репрессивных, структурных, экономических, социальных и правовых особенностей "Еврейского государства" (Государства Израиль). Все раздутые "силовые меры безопасности" вашего, господин Харпер, правительства: это просто яйца израильских (еврейских) вшей, отложенных в канадское национальное тело и воспроизводящих себя. Вы пришли к власти, госп. Харпер, благодаря огромной помощи и поддержке канадских евреев, Израиля и США (главной проеврейской страны). За это Ваше правительство, как в своей внутренней, так и внешней политике, предприняло максимальные усилия для удовлетворения наиболее радикальных устремлений израильских сионистов. Подписанный Вами двустронний договор с государством Израиля об "общественной безопасности" стал апофеозом таких усилий. Он предоставил израильским и всемирным еврейским секретным службам (Моссаду, Бней Бриту и другим) исключительный доступ к личным досье (файлам) на канадских граждан, по примеру Моссада, пополняемых местными канадскими органами "госбезопасности", и далеко идущий контроль над Канадой.

Теоретически, госп. Харпер, если Дион или Лэйтон смогут предложить Израилю и мировому сионизму больше, чем Вы, они займут Ваше место.

Вас, господин Харпер, выбрали благодаря Вашей готовности работать с другими харперами (такими, как Хиллари Клинтон, Буш, или МакКейн) во всём мире над установлением Нового Мрового Порядка, контролируемого Мировым Еврейским Правительством. Заключительная цель этого нового миропорядока состоит в том, чтобы поместить компьютеризированный чип в мозг каждого индивидуума не-еврея, и камеру наблюдения в каждое (в буквальном смысле) помещение, карман или орган. Еврейские надсмотрщики без чипов и их слуги с чипами станут управлять этой огромной армией рабов, принуждая их трудится для еврейских нужд. Это - именно то, что написано в еврейском Талмуде и других умных еврейских книгах.


Каждый, кто утверждает, что такой, похожий на "Матрицу", сценарий (с Харпером или без) существует лишь в воображении автора, пусть только подождёт.

07 октября, 2008. Монреаль.


[1] Копия - в квартирный орбитраж.

От Госпожи X. T.
жилички (квартиросъёмщицы)
…. Av. R. .......

Монреаль, Квебек
H4V 3H5

Господину Шварцу и господину Шулеру,
Владельцам жилплощади, арендуемой вышеупомянутым квартиросъёмщиком

Уважаемые господа!

Мы (я, Х. T., и 3-е моих детей) живём в этом - принадлежащем Вам - многоквартирном доме - начиная с 4 июля 2000.

Мне нравится этот район и место, но есть одна "маленькая" проблема: ваш консьерж, Г. Он страшно невыдержан, неблагоразумен, невежлив, и у него противный характер. Он очень плохо относится к моим детям. Когда он убирает коридор и собирает разный хлам, он сгребает всю пыль и мусор к нашей двери, а затем нападает на мои детей, требуя от них убрать "это гавно". Он злоупотребляет их беззашитностью, тем, что они ещё дети, действую в явном противоречии с канадскими законами, охраняющими права детей.

Я отдаю половину моей запрлаты на оплату жилья, и за это должна сама убирать и чистить коридор! Но почему я должна это делать (причём - систематически), почему я должна этим заниматься, в дополнение к моим и без того тяжёлым физически обязанностям на моей работе, а также в дополнение к и без того завышенной арендной квартплате?

В автоматической прачечной Вы (компания и вы) теперь повысили плату. А стиральные машины всегда грязные, и нам приходится не просто слегка ополаскивать их перед употреблением, но совершать действительно тяжёлую работу.

Кран в моей кухне протекает всё больше и больше: уже 3 месяца. Сырость, влажность, грибок на стенах, и т.д. - результат этого и многого другого. Вот и тараканы с клопами появились. Когда я попросила консьержа починить кран, его жена пришла буквально в бешенство - и крикнула мне в лицо, что, если мне не нравится здесь жить, я могу искать себе другое место. Она пришла в такую ярость только потому, что я второй раз попросила починить кран.

Да, действительно месяц назад кран был "восстановлен"; однако, этот ремонт сделали только для отцепного; иными словами, на самом деле кран не был починен. Он продолжал капать сразу же после "ремонта".

Тараканов истребили, и я благодарна за это. Но кран так и течёт.

Краска на стенах в ванной комнате вся вздулась, потрескалась, и я вынуждена была соскрести её сама. Консьерж обещал отремонтировать ванную ещё в сентябре, а теперь - конец ноября. Моя социальная / финансовая ситуация не позволяет мне никаких расходов на ремонт квартиры. Я не помню ни одного упоминания в арендном договоре относительно моего обязательства ремонтировать квартиру. Если не сделать ремонта теперь, очень скоро ванной просто нельзя будет пользоваться.

Когда вода в унитазе в уборной перестала проходить, и я попросило консьержа прочистить его, он грубо ответил мне: "Это - ваша проблема, а не моя". В конце-концев он занялся прочисткой унитаза, но только после скандала.

Мой совершеннолетний сын выписал чек на 2 сентября 2003 г., чтобы расплатиться за квартиру за сентябрь, но консьерж 5-го числа явился, утверждая, что чек не имеет покрытия, и потребовал наличные деньги. Я дала ему 520 долларов наличными. Он мне выписал квитанцию, что получено 516 долларов, а разницу присвоил себе (4 доллара). Пришлось выписать другой чек на 20 долларов, чтобы внести полную плату за квартиру.

Даже если бы чек действительно не имел покрытия в банке, - и то я не уверена, что его поведение юридически законно, и какое соглашение или закон требуют от меня платить наличными.

3 с половиной года я всегда оплачивала мою арендную плату вовремя, и этот инцидент - единственный такого рода. Я не могу понять, почему с нами так ужасно обращаются, почему нас ненавидит администрация этого дома?

По множеству причин, я не могу переехать в другую квартиру.

Холодильник на кухне почти полностью сломан. Дверца не закрывается должным образом, и огромный нарост льда накапливается внутри почти сразу. Почему я должна тратить деньги на лишнее продовольствие (продукты портятся в поломанном холодильнике). Я требовала много раз заменить холодильник, но безрезультатно.

Мы не нарушаем ни одного закона или инструкции. Мы - хорошие квартиросъёмщики, и мы никогда не причиняем никаких проблем. Однако, с нами плохо обращаются из-за нашего несовершенного знания языка (русского акцента) и некоторых других отличительных этнических особенностей.

Об одной из причин гнева консьержа на нас, я, кажется, догадываюсь. Однажды, когда мой сын слушал музыку (немного громче обычного), консьерж стал колотить в дверь. Когда мой сын открыл, он влетел в нашу квартиру, очень арессивно, и сразу бросился к музыкальному центру, выкрикивая "немедленно вырубите Вашу глупую русскую музыку!"

Инстинктивно, чтобы защитить своё музыкальное оборудование, мой сын преградил ему путь. Тогда консьерж ударил моего сына. Тот в ответ вынужден был вытолкать этого человека из нашей квартиры, в целях самообороны. Когда полиция прибыла, то полицейские сказали, что консьерж не имел никакого права вторгаться в чью-то квартиру - и, более того, нападать с кулаками на квартиросъёмщика.

Из-за постоянных унижений и оскорблений у меня развилась бессоница, головные боли и депрессия, а утром, после бессонной ночи, я должна идти на работу!

Я требую прекратить эти издевательства, прекратить нарушение наших прав, и дать нам жить в покое, позволив нам достойное существование.

Искренне Ваша, … … … … …

16 ноября 2003.

--------------------------------------- -------------

От Госпожи X. T.
жилички (квартиросъёмщицы)
…. Av. R. .......

Монреаль, Квебек
H4V 3H5

Господину Шварцу и господину Шулеру,
Владельцам жилплощади, арендуемой вышеупомянутым квартиросъёмщиком

Уважаемые господа!

Должна Вам сообщить ещё одну неприятную новость по поводу нашего проживания в Вашем билдинге (многоквартирном доме). В субботу утром 13 сентября в нашей квартире в ванной обвалился потолок, и очень серьёзно. Мы сразу, т.е в 11.40, обратились к консьержке за помощью. Она сказала, что помочь не может, т.к. нет рабочих. Я предупредила её, что сделаю фотографии и буду жаловаться, на что она издевательски кинула реплику: "делай хоть 2, и ушла". Через 30 мин. она вернулась, и сообщила, что придут специалисты в районе 4-5 часов, и отремонтируют. Я ушла из дому, и вернулась в 5.30. Специалисты побывали, но ремонт был сделан следующим образом. Просто оборвали куски штукатурки с какими-то "тряпками", вот и всё. Теперь из этой ржавой, разбитой дыры капает вода нам на голову, когда мы пользуемся унитазом. Очень хотелось бы знать, когда закончатся наши мучения. За год потолок обвалился в 3-й раз. В шкафу бельё, полотенце, постель: всё воняет плесенью.

Следующее: после сан-дизенфекции клопы и тараканы разгуливают пешком по полу. Хоть Вы и считаете, что "в этом нет ничего страшного, во всех домах клопы" (я цитирую Ваши слова), мы так не считаем. Вся мебель в квартире в клопах. У нас скоро переезд, и это для Вас не новость. Я вынуждена выбросить всю мебель на помойку, а ведь я её покупала, и просто выбросить не могу, на другую у меня нет денег. За все 8 с лишним лет, прожитых в вашем билдинге мы нажили много болезней. У меня есть справка от врача, где зафиксировано начало моей болезни: остиоартрит. С такой болезнью в таком гнилом аппартаменте я не могу больше находиться. У Кристины лейкемия. Она приняла уже 3 серьёзных укола, стоимостью 170 долларов каждый, и находится под наблюдением врача. У Карины анемия, а девочка за последний только год побывала в госпитале много раз, и прошла многочисленные исследования, сдала много анализов. Постоянные инфекционные воспалительные заболевания. Это тоже от гнили и сырости. В прошлом году у нас в шкафу сгнили 2 одеяла, и я была вынуждена их выбросить. Сгнили туфли модельные, меховые воротники, взамен тех одеял я купила новые, перед Новым Годом, теперь эти одеяла все в клопах, я тоже выбросила. И вот я купила в 3-й раз. Хотелось бы знать, почему я должна нести такие убытки.

Я живу на пособии, и поэтому теперь у меня к Вам следующие требования.

А. Выплатить мне компенсацию за нанесённый материальный ущерб:
1) Мягкая мебель: имеется квитанция из магазина (1800 дол.).
2) Спальный гарнитур (3.000 (тысячи).
3) Модельные туфли (120 дол.).
4) Одеяла, 4 шт. (340 дол.).
5) Уколы (170х3=510).
Только это всё на сумму 5.770 дол.

По Вашей милости дети до сих пор не посещают школу (т.к. Вы не захотели придти сразу и оформить бумаги). Вы поступили хитро. Пришли тогда, когда стало выгодно Вам. Т.к. в этой квартире невозможно больше жить, я настаиваю вернуть мне чеки оплаты за съём (которые я вынуждена была Вам выписать, чтобы получить Вашу подпись, без чего невозможно было оформить детей в школу), за октябрь, ноябрь, декабрь, и тем самым позволить нам свободный переезд.

В случае отказа я вынуждена буду подать на Вас в суд. Там же и решим вопрос по поводу нашего утраченного здоровья.

И ещё хочу напомнить, что за последний год мы пережили много. Мыши, блохи, тараканы, а теперь ещё и клопы. Очень хорошая забота с Вашей стороны о Ваших жильцах, особенно о нашем здоровье. Вас интересуют только деньги, а не вонючий лифт и грязные коридоры.

Кв. номер (....) Х. Т., 16 сентября 2008.

[2] Все СМИ в Канаде полностью контролируются правительством до такой степени, что мне не удалось найти не единого слова о бездомном, о чьей душераздирающей судьбе мы, телеаудитория, узнали из интервью. А вообще смерть в приёмном покое "Скорой помощи" стала утвердившейся реальностью.

"Как сообщает агентство Canadien Press, и CTV (вторник, 2008-09-23), "бездомный 34 часа ждал осмотра в отделении "Скорой помощи", и в конечном счете умер, не дождавшись. CTV Winnipeg сообщает, что его критическое состояние наступило в отделении "Скорой помощи" в Центре Наук Здоровья в пятницу, в полдень, а обнаружил его там же без сознания персонал больницы утром в воскресенье".

Обратим внимание на этот термин "персонал обнаружил": как будто действие проиходило не в зале "Скорой помощи", а на Северном Полюсе, в пустыне или в горах.

Уже в этом одном только выражении отражается то, что само канадское общество неизлечимо больно, и, если политическая "скорая помощь" не будет вовремя оказана, сама страна отбросит копыта.

Сообщения и Canadien Press и CTV вызывают глубокую озабоченность, потому что СМИ пытаются скрыть, что когда этот несчастный был "обнаружен", он был уже мертв в течение какого-то времени.

Тина Омоерах из Winnipeg'a написала в обсуждениях на странице CTV, что она сама была в Health Sciences Centre, ожидая своей участи, и видела жертву в инвалидном кресле, когда этот человек был всё ещё жив, за 4 сидения от себя. Она пишет: "Я не знаю, почему медики не отреагировали на беспокойство пары, которая сказала (о бездомном инвалиде) 3-м врачам и охраннику (...)."

Врачи и медицинские сёстры с мышлением уголовников в Виннипеге и по всей Канаде утверждают, что этот человек умер потому, что "не настаивал". Но когда начинаешь "настаивать", они вызывают полицию, и полиция забивает тебя до смерти.

Агентство "Фрас Пресс" представило на суд читателей "секретный мир жаргона медиков" - Британских, американских (США), а также англоязычных и франкоязычных канадских врачей, "в лексиконе которых акронимы, коими врачи "клеймят" пациентов, типа ATFO ("тот, которого попросили отъебаться"), или PAFO ("залупился- споткнулся-пизданулся"). Другой ярлык - акроним, известный как DBI ("мешок с дерьмом" (что имеет в виду гигиену пациента). Пациента при смерти врачи называют не иначе как "выпадающий в осадок", "годный только на донорские органы". "Знак Q" относится к пациенту в терминальном состоянии, с языком, болтающимся изо рта."

Мой собственный опыт напоминает мне об издевательствах в стиле Гестапо, в разных медицинских учреждениях, таких, как клиники, лаборатории, больницы. В прошлом году, в сентябре 2007, моя мать поступила в больницу St.-Mary с переломом шейки бедра. Её продержали там примерно 17 часов, после чего отправили в Центральную Монреальскую Больницу (Montreal General Hospital), в отделение "Скорой помощи". Конечно, она не могла ни сидеть, ни стоять, и её оставили на лежаке (расширенная версия носилок) в коридоре, предоставленную самой себе, без осмотра, без ухода. К тому моменту у неё развились опасные сердечные и дыхательные дисфункции, не говоря уже о невыносимой боли от сломанного бедра, но её всё равно отсоединили от кислорода и капельницы. Я не знаю, что они написали в её истории болезни, но первый раз врач её осмотрел только после 20 часов ожидания, и всё равно ничего не сделал. Ей не давали никакой еды и никакого питья, и не приносили "утку" (писсуар для лежачих больных, чтобы освободить мочевой пузырь). Она кричала и умоляла, и я требовал помощи, но более десяти медсестёр проходили мимо, и все говорили издевательским тоном, что моя мать должна мочиться прямо на лежак. Добавим, что всё это происходило на коридоре, на глазах публики, что доставляло медицинским работникам особое наслаждение. Они даже не скрывали того, что получают удовольствие от спектакля. Моя мать лежала в луже мочи, корчась от боли, 16 часов, без медицинской помощи, без еды и воды, а я между тем звонил или ходил к социальным работникам, главе орбитражной комиссии, местным депутатам, Министерство здравоохранения, двум адвокатам, в газеты, и т.д., пытаясь прекратить пытки, которым подвергли мою мать. Когда я сказал, что у меня нет с собой денег, и я не могу купить моей маме еду и питьё, никто на это никак не отреагировал. Когда я сам пошел за сухим полотенцем и простынями, чтобы подложить их под мать, я был остановлен и предупрежден, что если ещё раз так сделаю, то буду иметь дело с полицией. После 16 часов (и административного вмешательства) персонал, наконец, помог маме освободить её мочевой пузырь, но делали они это с интервалами в 6-7 часов, а первая медсестра намеренно вылила "утку", до краёв полную мочой, прямо на мою мать. Другое административное вмешательство понадобилось для перевода мамы с лежака на на больничную койку на колёсиках, но каждые 5-10 минут они толкали и двигали её кровать из угла в угол, делая это как можно более грубо, так, что она кричала от боли. Проходившие мимо по коридору люди часто задевали кровать, и это причиняло новую боль. Она постоянно рыдала, кричала от боли, взывала к помощи, больше, чем кто-либо ещё, но никакого сострадания медперсонал не проявлял. Её пододвигали всё ближе и ближе к комнате ожидания, пока не "заткнули" между сидениями и сидящими на них людьми, что было апофеозом издевательств и унижения. Я видел одного пациента, старого человека, которого положили просто на пол, якобы, "потому что больше нет кроватей". Когда прибыло ещё больше больных, и мою мать с ещё несколькими жертвами просто вытолкнули из здания прямо на улицу, это привело к протестам, почти к беспорядкам, а затем появилась полиция, и арестовала 2-х или 3-х человек. 4 суток (!) мою маму держали в этих нечеловеческих условиях, фактически даже не в приёмном покое "Скорой помощи" (!), и перевели в палату только из-за моих настойчивых жалоб. Когда она была уже там, мы увидели множество пустых кроватей, и частных пациентов в том же самом отделении, которые занимали по 2 или 3 комнаты каждый. Находясь 24 часа в сутки с мамой (а мне не давали сидеть, им не нужны свидетели, и я почти всё время стоял на ногах или сидел на корточках), я вёл записи, отмечая имена наиболее злобных медсестр, время и обстоятельства происходящего, но мои записи были позже конфискованы охранником. В течение моего пребывания в "Скорой помощи" с мамой, я насчитал больше охранников, социальных работников, и другого не-медицинского персонала, большинство из которых - просто паразиты, которые не делали абсолютно ничего, - чем медиков. Все 4 дня, проведённых в "Скорой помощи" (ER) моя мать не получала обезлоливаюших средств. Только один мужчина- мед.брат, говоривший по-французский оказался нормальным человеком, не ублюдоком. Другие, что франко-, что англоговорящие, должны заменить свою профессию на профессию профессиональных убийц.

Следующий материал - на английском языке.

B). According to CTV.ca News Staff (updated Wed. Sep. 24 2008 3:41 PM ET), one year ago, a small cut on Rush Wenzoski's right hand turned into a four-day health-care nightmare. "When the five-centimetre cut became infected, Wenzoski's partner, Krystal Davis, drove him first to the emergency room in Beausejour, Man. Staff there said they could not care for Wenzoski and the couple drove 35 minutes to the hospital in Selkirk. After a seven-hour wait in Selkirk, a doctor told them Wenzoski would need surgery and they were sent to the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre. A 45-minute drive later" they "arrived at Health Sciences Centre, checked in with staff and were told a doctor would see them as soon as possible. The couple waited for three days. Wenzoski's hand was "swelling more and more by the minute," Davis told CTV.ca. He had not been given pain medication or antibiotics. "We were ready to walk out, but I knew that if we did, his hand would worsen," Davis said. When a doctor finally examined Wenzoski, he cut into his hand and left the nearly eight-centimetre gash open, exposing joints and bones, Davis said. The couple asked to change hospitals and they were sent to St. Boniface. Wenzoski was treated immediately and remained in hospital for two weeks, during which time he was rehydrated and given antibiotics. He now has a permanent four-inch scar on his hand. Despite undergoing physical therapy his hand no longer has a full range of motion, which affects Wenzoski's work as a mechanic.

Mary Munroe tells that in spite of her husband had a special yellow Chemo patient yellow ID card and should not send to ER public area at any time due to his compromised immunity, when they arrived at ER they "were told we had to wait in waiting room until someone could evaluate our needs - point blank! No decision could be made for special treatment until he could be seen by a nurse (sic! (L. G.). The reception staff effectively blocked what the chemo specialist had ordered. (…) We work so hard to find effective treatments for cancer and then the hospital proceeds to sabotage the treatment requirements!

Tim Devine says: this could happen in any hospital across Canada. "When you go to the emergency, you can quite literally be taking your life in your hands. I recently had the privilege of spending 16 hours cooped up in an emergency ward in St. John. During that time, I observed one of the most inefficent, bureaucratic organizations that seemed to be more concerned with procedures that working on cures."

Kelly Shaver from Kingston Ontario shared her experience: "Imagine if you will, an eight months pregnant woman with a history of two premature babies goes to the maternity ward of a leading Southeastern Ontario hospital with bleeding. The doctors decide they need to find out how big the baby is by way of ultrasound. Unfortunately the maternity ward's two ultrasound machines are BOTH malfunctioning. So because it was a Sunday they are going to have to call in an "on call" ultrasound technician. Six hours later she is wheeled down for her ultrasound only to find out that her baby is in a breech position (bottom first). By this time the woman is 5 cm dilated on her way to delivering. They try and rush her to the OR but alas it was too late and the baby was delivered that way, bum first with no anasthesia."

Jillian and Barb Zarney share their experience with their father, whom they were taking "countless times" to ER at the Grace hospital and Health Sciences, where they waited up to 14 hours just to hear "we don't have a specialist". The orthopedic surgeons were sending their victim home again and again (the poor man had a leg tumor); he was sent later to BC where finally he received care, but it was too late, and by then his leg had to be removed. No social or medical help after amputation. Their dad was treated worse then an animal. Complains to responsible services and to the Minister of Health gave nothing. "Our cries for help we're ignored and my Dad was treated as if his life was worthless, which eventually lead to his death in October of 2007."

A. Lissenberg wrote: "Aug 2008 my 66 year old (diabetic) mother-in-law fell off her bike breaking her left shoulder and a finger on her right hand. She was brought to Seven Oaks emerg after the accident and was released a short time later even though she is a widow, lives on her own and couldn't use either arm/hand. A few days later she was admitted to HSC for surgery. She was told to fast the night before. The surgery was postponed for several days while she remained on an IV drip for fluids and morphine. When it became apparent they were not going to operate, they got her dressed, disconnected her IV and sent her in a cab to St. B. and was only verbally told St. B. would do the surgery. She had no ID, no paperwork regarding the surgery, and no one accompanied her for the ride. The taxi driver brought her to the front door with her bag of extra clothing and she hooked it onto a pinky and carried it to the emergency area where she was told they had no record/info from HSC about her having surgery at St. B. She was left on a chair in the hallway and out of sheer exhaustion broke down and only then did they give her a bed (…)"

Melissa in Montreal wrote: "I was sent to an emergency room in Montreal by my OBGYN, because I had a miscarriage and needed surgery. I waited 12 hours to see the doctor on call, who said she would not operate on me because I was an American. My husband gently persuaded her to do the surgery, so that I would not have to wait in emergency two more days for the next obgyn. She finally agreed to do the surgery, but for a week after it, I was having severe contractions. I went back to the emergency room, because I could not stand or walk due to the intensity of the contractions. None of the staff took me seriously and instead of examining me, they gave me psychological tests. I believe at least three rounds of doctors gave me psych evaluations, before a fourth doctor decided to do a physical exam and order an ultrasound. At that point I had been in Emergency for more than a day. The ultrasound showed that the surgeon had left part of the fetus and surgical sponge or gauze in me. I was experiencing toxic shock and had to have surgery immediately. While I was having the second surgery, the doctor who botched the first surgery called my home personally asking where her money was, since I had to pay out of pocket. When my husband called her back to tell her that we were at the hospital having emergency surgery and would have to come by her office the next week, she demanded that he come to her office that very day and pay her. We had to pay the two surgeons, the anaesthisiologists and various other medical bills, and did not have the money or the energy to take legal action."

Mykey from The Lakehead is telling how worse situation in Canadian ER-s became comparing to previous years. About 10 years ago in downtown Toronto he came to St. Michael's Emergency with a serious cut to the base of his left thumb. "I made my way to and had barely reported to the front desk when a nurse approached me and asked that I roll up my sleeve for a tetanus shot. Shortly thereafter a doctor arrived and after carefully cleaning the wound, stitched it up and applied a bandage. My visit to the Hospital lasted less than half an hour." An astonishing contrast with the present situation.

Having asthma, Madelaine had to go to Sunnybrook past summer due to a respiratory infection. It took one hour for a nurse to administer the vapourized inhalation treatment that asthmatics should receive ASAP in similar ER situations. Then she was told a doctor would see her, but was never called to a doctor.

Sheryl told her boyfriend came to Calgary Foothills hospital’s ER with a terrible pain in his abdomen, having no idea what it was, and the nurses that came out to ask him what his pain threshold were given an answer it was a 10, and still he waited for several hours only to be told there was no beds in emergency (they tried to kick him out). After 14 hours of bearing with the pain in an uncomfortable waiting room chair, he was seen and then sent for emergency surgery for a blocked bowel.

Sandra Sukhan had the misfortune of going to the Health Sciences Centre Emergency Room on Sept. 16, 2008 with her father who was bleeding profusely from the ear from a cancerous tumour. They waited almost 30 minutes just to register with the Triage nurse who was not at the desk when they arrived. The nurse basically said that since Sandra’s father was not bleeding to death, he could wait, and they waited almost 5 hours.

While experiencing her own ordeal at Concordia hospital, Sylvia witnessed the most unacceptable racist behavior from the triage nurse towards an Aboriginal man who very obviously had a fractured foot. Not only did she make him wait with nothing for pain, after he had been waiting quietly and patiently about three hours she made him take off his sock and roll up his pants in front of the waiting room and stand on the injured foot to 'prove' to her he was really hurt and to ensure he wasn't "wasting her time". No one else in the waiting room was required to 'prove' they had a right to be at the hospital.

S. Bates tells others that when her grandma died they told her children to go get her things form her room. When they went to retrieve them they found their mother dead & naked lying on her hospital bed for all to see.

A freelance journalist in Montreal, known by name of Evilgentleman, wrote in December 2007 that just 10 year ago the healthcare system in Canada was incomparably more human and accessible, and added that his wife (who developed a foot infection in the Arctic (a bad blister), and was evacuated to Montreal) "was whisked by ambulance to Montreal General, where after seven hours, she was seen by a doctor who prescribed antibiotics and pain killers, and sent her home". By Thursday, she noticed the infection seemed to be spreading, and since these sorts of things can sometimes lead to amputations, they both showed up at Lakeshore General. While he was parking his car, his wife spoke to people and was told that some people there had been waiting for 12 hours or longer, and were still in the waiting room. When they went to see the admissions nurse, and said they wanted to see a doctor, the first thing to come out of her mouth was, "Are you sure? The wait is over 10 hours." The author is adding that he "never before had the experience of seeing someone in an ER waiting room being asked to confirm that they wanted health care. He’s reminding that hospital parking in the area ranges from $8.00 to $15.50 for three hours, and ambulance rides cost over $150.00, and does not do what it sets out to do. "And to top it all off, they have a blue room, where bad news is given (supposedly, blue has been tested and proven to subconsciously help make grief easier), which I guess is the health care equivalent of the "blue screen of death".

C) . Same criminal negligent and indifference clearly manifested itself across the border, in United States. In July 12, 2008 "NEWSWEEK" it was an essay of Jeneen Interlandi, who wrote "Instead of helping her, they ignored her. The story behind the videotape that shocked the country." Esmin Elizabeth Green, mother of 6 children, "fell out of her chair in the waiting room of Brooklyn's (…) hospital nearly an hour before anyone realized she was in trouble. For 20 minutes, she writhed and twisted between two chairs under the watchful eye of a security camera whose footage would later be broadcast across the country, spurring a public outcry. Two security guards and two other staff members passed through the room and glanced at the 49-year-old woman, without bothering to check her vital signs or help her up". Another author wrote that "a woman died on the floor of an emergency room in King County Hospital in Brooklyn, New York, where, after having waited for nearly 24 hours for treatment, she collapsed and she was ignored by the hospital's staff for almost one hour. She was also ignored by the other patients who were waiting in the same room! How can you be pride to be a national of such a country? (…) We're talking about a proud nation. A country where everybody can't see forest for the trees, a country where the worst politicians always win, a country where guns are more important than health care (…). It's a country of the most hypocritical people on Earth: while carefully attending the Sunday church preaches, they actually don't give a shit on anyone else." A Canadian Living/Working in the US man shares his USA experience: "I can honestly say that it is not much better here in the US. I have been furious since I have moved down here 3 months ago to see what the cost of health care is for Americans to see that really they are no better off than we are with universal health care". Recently he went into a hospital to get some stitches for a cut and although bleeding profusely still had to wait almost 5 hours just to be seen. "Watching CNN the other day they said that 1.83 million Americans went bankrupt in 2007 due to medical bills."

D) . There is an official policy in Canada and US of justifying criminal behavior of medical personnel, while recognizing cruel and criminal approach of the system in general. Such a surrealistic, horrifying, twisted, ill-minded stand signifies about a total corruption of moral values in English-speaking countries. Chicago Tribune: A psychiatrist examines Esmin Green tragedy — "When you see a constant flood of terribly ill and terribly deprived people come into a facility that does not have the means to care for them, day after day, hour after hour, week after week, you have to harden yourself to a certain degree. Because there’s nothing you can do about it. Imagine what it’s like for these staff, hearing people screaming in pain, crying for help – children, young adults, old people. Some of these staff get post-traumatic stress syndrome, just like soldiers returning from Iraq. Some of them wake up at night remembering the last horrible sight they saw. And some of them adapt by shutting down.". WOW! There is nothing you can do for the patients in the all-mighty America!

E) .

1) Inhuman treatment in the hospitals and medical institutions is not exclusively a Canadian problem, but a problem of Israel and (in more recent years) all English-speaking countries (British feudal state (British Empire), USA, Canada, and Australia). Cruel attitude of Israeli medical staff is fully described in my work "GULAG of Palestine", written in 1993-1995. Israel never had a universal medical insurance plan. The whole domain of medical help is privatized there, and you must pay for everything. Whoever has no money to pay is doomed to die. What happened in US, or Canada, or UK, is just a calc from "Israeli model". At the 12th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists (June 4–9, 2000, Montreal, Canada; accepted for publication: October 22, 2001) medical doctors from Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel - A. Ziser, M. Alkobi1, R. Markovits, and B. Rozenberg recognize that only in 2 and a half years "Eighteen (4.5%) patients died in the PACU, while waiting for an intensive care unit bed. The main problems were insufficient medical and nursing coverage, and inadequate communication and visiting facilities for patient’s families." However, the problem in Israel and English-speaking countries is wider then just that; it includes cruel and sometimes sadistic or criminal attitude towards patients, but of course, doctors will never write about this.

2) From "Montreal medical worker" - July 05, 2008. "I worked for 6 years for one of the big hospitals here in Montreal, Canada as a Ward Clerk (also called a Unit Agent) and I would say that there are some nurses that care and are more involved emotionally than you imagine. Unfortunately, there are also lazy people who would rather check their Facebook accounts (it was finally blocked) when they should be checking on the patients. (…) The worst people at the hospital were the Head Nurses - self serving bureaucrats who pretend to care about the patients but really think of their budgets." I agree. Head Nurses in Montreal hospitals are worst murderers and sadists not just in hospitals, but in general, and they are all lazy clowns, whose fair place is behind bars.

3) Here are other examples from February 1999: Emergency rooms were severely overcrowded for a second year in a row, not only in Ontario but also across Canada. At Cite' de la Sante', the largest hospital in suburban Laval, Quebec, staff took the unusual step of issuing a press release early in the month. The sick were asked to delay any visit to the hospital.

4) Canadian medical system is just another cyclonic machine for money laundering. Big players receive big bucks to fill in their big pockets.

According to Canadian Institute’s for Health Information report, health care spending in Canada saw an increase of nearly $100 billion within a 20-year span, from $37 billion in 1984 to $130 billion in 2004. Ontario alone now spends a remarkable 40 per cent ($32.9 billion) of its entire provincial government budget on health care and yet, the province’s hospitals continue to report deficits of half a billion dollars a year.

What are citizens getting for all this money? In what was described by a health services researcher as an "explosive" result, the Canadian Adverse Event Study, the first of its kind in this country, found an astonishing 24,000 hospital Canadians died in the year 2000 at the hands of medical personnel from errors that could have been prevented. In all, some 185,000 fatal and non-fatal mistakes occurred - 7.5 per 100 hospital patients. Nearly a quarter of Canadians - 5.2 million - said they or a family member experienced medical errors or preventable adverse effects while being treated in a hospital.

Another study found that for every "adverse event" that is detected, 20 to 25 others are not. The problem is known to be serious enough that a special task force on patient safety is recommending yet more money - this time, $10 million - be poured into creating a national institute that will identify, track and find ways to reduce medical errors.

The number of hospital workers making over $100,000 tripled since 1996 and the average pay for those making the most money increased a whopping 60 per cent. Still, humiliation and inhumanity at hospitals more then tripled.

Canadian Health Care Anti-Fraud Association found in a survey released this past September that health care fraud costs this country $3 billion to $10 billion a year. "It’s a big problem," said Michael Chettleburgh of Fraudbox Inc, which conducted the survey, by way of understatement. "Would that affect you as a health consumer? I would suggest it does."

Some estimates pegged the rate of fraudulent claims at six to 19 per cent. The most common forms are billing for services never provided, unnecessary care, mis-representing non-covered procedures as necessary and billing for services provided to a fictitious patient. Most of those surveyed called for more serious penalties for health care fraud.

Superbug infections are spiralling in Canadian hospitals, killing as many as 8,000 people a year and costing the health system $100 million. Statistics show 250,000 Canadians get sick from preventable infections every year. A CBC News investigation last spring found that restaurants have more germ-fighting regulations to contend with than hospitals do.

- In November 1999, a class action lawsuit was authorized against Montreal’s St. Charles Borromee Hospital for allegedly failing to provide even the most basic services for its severely disabled long-term patients. This included neglecting to wash and feed them properly between 1993 and 1997.

- In July 2002, Alfred Potter, a mentally ill man, died in the emergency room of Hamilton’s St. Joseph’s Hospital after a series of errors by emergency department nurses and a family doctor.

- In October 2002, 11-year-old Claire Lewis died in a Hamilton hospital from what were openly described as "a string of errors and bad decisions" in her care. Her father, a nurse within the Hamilton healthcare system, had to spend months fighting the hospital to accept its responsibility in the death, before it coughed up an unprecedented letter of apology.

- In September 2003, a $4.6 million lawsuit was filed against Hamilton fertility doctor Salim Daya for unethically conducting an unofficial clinical trial on a patient, which included a sham operation.

- In October 2003, doctors were reported to be continuing to prescribe the anti-depressants Paxil and Effexor to teenagers despite warnings of dangerous side effects, including increased risks of suicidal thoughts.

- Also in October 2003, a joint conference of the Canadian Bioethics Society and the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities heard that hospitals in the Western world allow interns and residents to practise resuscitation techniques on newly deceased patients without consent.

- The same month, the boss of a probe into the Canadian SARS outbreak said a massive overhaul of the public health system was needed to address weaknesses including a lack of basic public health tools.

- In November 2003, Zambian-born Regina Dr. John Schneeberger, who was convicted of drugging and sexually assaulting two of his patients, was released from prison to calls for deportation from a federal MP.

- Also in November 2003, an advisory was issued after Captain William Jackman Hospital in Labrador City may have used unsterile instruments in its gynecology clinic over a one-and-a-half-year period.

- The same month, the Kansas City Star newspaper unearthed documents that revealed Red Cross officials in Canada and the U.S. in the early 1980s were more concerned with legal requirements than with halting the spread of Hepatitis C in blood supplies. It wasn’t until 1990 that testing for the disease was begun in Canada.

- The same month, Whitby, Ont. obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Errol Wai-Ping appeared before a disciplinary committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario on charges that included botched hysterectomies, deliveries and gynecological procedures, life-threatening infections after surgery, unnecessary hysterectomies and failure to diagnose cancer.

- In January 2004, the Quebec College of Physicians launched an investigation into the case of Montreal pediatric surgeon Maria Di Lorenzo, who was infected with the AIDS virus, but continued operating on children for 13 years without medical administrators being aware of her condition.

- The same month, the Ontario Ministry of Health admitted that medical instruments manufactured for single use – including forceps, scissors and speculums – were being reused by Ontario hospitals. By then, nine hospitals were forced to alert former patients that they might have been exposed to instruments that weren’t properly sterilized.

- In February 2004, the Quebec Court of Appeal upheld the dismissal of paramedics Sebastien Valade and Martin Gariepy, who refused to treat a dying man because they were on a break when they were called on to help.

- In March 2004, federal Auditor-General Sheila Fraser said Health Canada’s medical device protocols so lacked credibility, they are routinely ignored by hospital and lab workers. That put Canadians using pregnancy tests, pacemakers, MRIs and some forms of birth control at risk.

- In April 2004, Hamilton surgeon Dr. Daniel Bowser, whose patient died because he failed to properly communicate instructions for the man’s care, was ordered to pay almost $1.3 million as a result of a lawsuit.

- The same month, about 175 hip surgery patients over a six-year period were recalled by Montreal General Hospital because a surgical instrument used in operations performed on them may not have been properly sterilized. - In March 2003, Ontario’s chief medical officer was accused by an expert on infectious diseases of concealing the extent of the 2002 West Nile virus outbreak. The expert said he had "begged" Dr. Colin D’Cunha to notify the public about outbreaks of the disease, which killed at least 11 people.

- In May 2003, the father of a 17-month old boy who died in 2001 told a coroner’s inquest that paramedics ignored his and his wife’s pleas to transport their feverish child to hospital. This was after four earlier trips to the hospital in which doctors didn’t help the boy’s fever, vomiting and crying. Writing later on the matter, Toronto Sun columnist Michelle Mandel called the Canadian healthcare system "a shameful, tragic mess."

- In August 2003, a coroner’s investigation revealed that paramedics in Burlington, Ont. mistakenly administered morphine, instead of adrenaline, to a dying seven-year-old boy. In the boy’s particular case, the morphine slowed breathing and caused a drop in blood pressure, as well as unconsciousness. This could have led to his death.

- In September 2003, a television documentary entitled Bloody Disgrace contradicted the federal government’s claims that nothing could have been done prior to 1986 to curb the spread of Hepatitis C through tainted blood. In fact, U.S. blood experts – with whom Canadian experts worked closely - as early as 1981 were recommending donated blood undergo tests to indicate the likely presence of the virus.

- In May 2004, a third First Nations family was actually mailed the remains of their miscarried baby. Provincial Health Minister George Smitherman said he was "angered and deeply concerned" at the way "human tissue" was being handled.

- Also that month, a former male nurse at Toronto’s Sick Children’s Hospital was arrested on child pornography charges. Scott Faichnie also had photos of patients in his possession.

- Again in May 2004, Saskatchewan’s College of Physicians and Surgeons appointed a physician to review the deaths of 88 people who had been treated at Saskatoon’s Royal University Hospital. The 88 had not been seen within times set by national guidelines and died within 48 hours.

- Also the same month, a Winnipeg man said he was told to lie on a waiting room floor while experiencing heart palpitations at his city’s Grace General Hospital. Stephen Fielding said he was told he would have to lie on the floor because no stretchers were available.

- Also the same month, a Winnipeg woman said she endured a two-and-a-half-year nightmare as she tried to learn how and why her 86-year-oldmother died in a city hospital. Apparently, Manitoba’s privacy laws prevented her from finding out what went wrong in her mother’s treatment.

- Also the same month, Calgary dental surgeon Dr. Douglas Vincelli agreed to pay $3 million to a patient immobilized by chronic pain after he treated her about a decade earlier.

- And also the same month, a Toronto Star article reported that many Ontario nursing home residents die each year from abuse and neglect – including broken bones, oozing bedsores, medical errors, over-medication and untreated constipation. The provincial coroner had not held even one inquest scrutinizing the inadequate care that ultimately kills some elderly.

- In June 2004, a 69-year-old Red Deer, Alta. man died after receiving the wrong painkilling medication. Three months earlier, two Calgary patients died after being given the wrong medications during dialysis treatments.

- Also in June 2004, Windsor, Ont. residents were complaining that their doctors were cherrypicking patients by shutting out those with chronic illnesses and denying basic care. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario said there are no guidelines, moral obligations or laws against physicians selectively choosing whom they will treat.

- The same month, a Montreal doctor said "dirty hospitals" were to blame for a huge increase in a potentially deadly type of diarrhea that killed as many as 79 people over a period of a year and a half.

- The same month, disgusted relatives pulled stroke victim Christina Jackson out of Victoria, B.C.’s Royal Jubilee Hospital after she was placed in a storage closet. Hospital officials characterized the move as "a creative solution to an ongoing bed shortage."

- In July 2004, the first study of its kind in Canada found that five per cent of 2,000 chest-pain patients rushed to two Vancouver hospitals were discharged inappropriately by doctors who had misdiagnosed them. Heart attacks and unstable angina were commonly missed by the physicians.

- Also in July 2004, three Health Canada scientists were fired for daring to criticize their department’s drug approval policies. The three said they were often pressured to approve unsafe veterinary drugs.

- The same month, a Windsor, Ont. couple was left in shock after their two-year-old son died at home following what was described as "simple day surgery" to remove his tonsils and adenoids.

- The same month, it was discovered that London, Ont. doctor Tenzin Rabgey, who committed suicide, had hundreds of thousands of child porn images on his computers.

- In August 2004, a B.C. woman died in a White Rock hospital after what the family alleged was hospital bureaucracy. The woman’s uncle, who had rushed her to the hospital, was told, "I’m sorry, sir, you’ll have to call an ambulance … that’s our policy, sir."

- Also in August 2004, an Emergency Care Task Force in Winnipeg identified the need to "look at all our processes … look at the whole system" after a string of high-profile tragedies in the city’s hospitals. They included the death of a woman who perished from a heart attack after waiting in the emergency room for six hours.

- The same month, the Canadian practice of reusing single-use medical devices was being described as "still common" and "routine." A medical device manufacturers association described the results of such practices as "disastrous" and said patients were being exposed to needless risks on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the Canadian Medical Association Journal said Canadian hospitals were in the "dark ages" when it came to containing sometimes-fatal bacteria in their midst.

- In September 2004, two B.C. parents accused the medical system of failing them after their six-year-old daughter died because of a diagnosis of a bacterial infection that came too late.

- In October 2004, the Peter Lougheed Centre hospital in Calgary discarded a woman’s miscarried baby into a trash compactor. The baby’s remains had been left sitting in a plastic bag on an emergency room counter before the disposal.

- The same month, it was reported that young children in Saskatchewan can literally have to wait years for surgery within their home province.

- In November 2004, a mixup at Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Centre left a premature baby’s body at the hospital for two weeks as the baby’s family buried only the placenta and fetal membranes, thinking they were the baby’s body.

- The same month, a study published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine reported that Canadian heart attack victims are dying because crowded emergency rooms are leading to life-threatening delays in the administration of clot-clearing drugs.

- In December 2004, police investigated the disappearance of a 17-week-old stillborn baby from St. Catharines General Hospital in Ontario. The hospital said after a search it had "somehow" lost the 1.7-ounce, 15-centimetre baby.

- In January 2005, a study reported in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that dozens of children leave hospital emergency departments every day without being seen by a doctor because of overcrowding and lengthy waits for care.

- Also in January 2005, Hamilton grandmother Joanne Blais laid for two-and-a-half days on an uncomfortable stretcher in Henderson General Hospital’s emergency department, sometimes in her own vomit, before being diagnosed with a brain tumour. According to news reports, her story didn’t shock the chief of emergency medicine at Hamilton Health Sciences, who said patients are commonly lined in hallways.

- In May 2005, four doctors were found guilty of negligence in the death of a Stoney Creek, Ont. woman and were held liable for an award of $186,000. A Superior Court judge said the actions of the four "fell below the standard of skill and care that is reasonably expected of a normal, prudent medical practitioner."

- The Canadian Blood Services agency and Hamilton hospitals in June 2005 refused to discuss a case of tampering that had occurred with records kept on blood given at Hamilton blood donor clinics. The tampering had sparked a massive recall of blood products by the agency two months earlier.

- The same month, staff at Kelowna General Hospital in B.C. refused to treat an unconscious man who had been brought to their site and instead told his transporter to call 911 and wait for an ambulance. Three years earlier, a woman who collapsed just metres from the hospital’s emergency room doors had also been told to wait for an ambulance.

- Also in June 2005, the Canadian Union of Public Employees charged hospitals "are becoming an increasingly unsafe environment" because of "bugs that are growing more virulent." In April 2005, 19 people in Port Colborne, Ont. and Welland, Ont. hospitals tested positive for bacteria resistant to antibiotics, while a Kingston hospital in June 2005 reported 30 such cases – some with active infections. A strain of C. difficile bacteria infected 7,000 people, killing 600 of them, in Quebec in the months following April 2003.

- Again in June 2005, Newfoundland doctor Sean Buckingham was hit with eight more criminal charges, including one of uttering threats, for a total of 30 charges in a "sex-for-pills" operation. A second physician, Boyd Goodyear, faced a charge of sexual assault.

- The same month, Ontario’s chief coroner ordered a review of Toronto pathologist Dr. Charles Smith, who was accused of mishandling 40 autopsies involving the suspicious deaths of children.

- In facing a charge of conduct unbecoming a doctor, laid by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Windsor, Ont.-area physician Nicholas Rathe admitted in August 2005 that he verbally abused his patients, calling them names and swearing at them.

- In September 2005, two nurses pleaded guilty to professional misconduct in the death of a 10-year-old girl at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children. The two admitted they did not adequately monitor the girl, nor did they correctly document her care or condition. A coroner’s inquest had earlier ruled the death a homicide.

- In May of this year, Alberta Premier Ralph Klein predicted that the rear end of his successor "will pucker" when he sees the amount that is being spent on health care and by how much that figure is escalating every year. It is expected that healthcare will gobble up 60 per cent of the provincial budget by 2025.

- A June 2006 Hamilton Spectator article asked the question: "How can hospitals stop killing people?" It noted 9,000-24,000 patients are killed by errors every year in Canada, with hundreds alone in the Hamilton Health Sciences system.

- Health Canada announced in July of this year that X-ray induced cancers are killing up to 2,500 Canadians a year, while procedures that use X-rays to guide thin tubes and other devices into blood vessels and arteries have not been tested for radiation safety. Researchers also report that chest X-rays may double or triple the risk of breast cancer in women genetically predisposed to the disease.

- January 17, 2007. ER wait ends in miscarriage, by CP. MONTREAL -- A pregnant woman says she had to wait more than 15 hours in an emergency room before being treated and had a miscarriage in the hospital's bathroom. Marie-Sabine Thalerand was two months pregnant and said she went to the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital on Jan. 8 with her husband because she was bleeding. "I went to reception but they told me to wait my turn," she said. The hospital said it's investigating and noted its emergency services were stretched beyond the normal limit that day.

- This has happened in Alberta twice in the past few months. Perhaps even more. Two were widely publicized. As far as I know nothing has been done to correct it; other than a lot of talk.

- Nurses schedule week to week - who was to call in sick and who was to come in on call and get paid double time, and it's quite common.

- In Montreal, nurses at Sacre'-Coeur staged a wildcat strike to protest the overcrowding, a problem experienced by every hospital in the city. For instance, at Maisonneuve-Rosemont—a hospital that had drawn national attention the year before because an elderly patient had died while waiting to be seen in its overcrowded emergency room—79 patients jammed into a room designed to accommodate only 34.

- In Nelson, British Columbia, a 74-year-old ER patient was placed in a hospital storage area. No other room could be found for him at a time when patients were routinely placed in hallways and linen closets. And, in Victoria, facilities were running at 110% capacity—since the summer before. The above incidents all occurred during a two-week period.

In Quebec, Jean-Pierre Menard, a lawyer that is specialising in the domain of patiens' (sick people's) rights, demanded from Health Minister Philippe Couillard to respect laws regulating the triage of patients in ERs.

At a conference of Montreal's presse, Mr. Menard presented cases of 4 people who died because of the total violation of the law.

Mr. Menard slamed the nurses saying that they completely ignore the "code of the priority", or, in other words, they pay no attenrion to how grave is a patient's condition. Priority, according to the law, must be given to those in more severe state, but the nurses violate this principle because of favoritism (and bribes - we must add (L. G.).

In general, the law says that a waiting time (for triage) must be not longer then 120 minutes, but in severe cases it must be reduced.

In real life patients are waiting many hours.

One of above mentioned 4 cases is the case of Nicole Dauphinais, a 57 years old female, who died of the pilmonary embolism in Pierre-Boucher de Longueuil hospital, after waiting enourmously long (many hours) in vain.

Mr. Menard said:

" On l'a place'e dans un corridor sur une civie`re et elle est reste'e la` pendant six heures et demie a` attendre de voir un me'decin. Elle n'a jamais vu de me'decin, elle n'a jamais vu d'infirmie`re pour la re'e'valuer non plus. Tout ce que je sais, c'est qu'elle a sonne' durant la soire'e parce qu'elle ne filait pas bien et on lui a apporte' une Gravol pour le mal de coeur ", raconte sa fille Carole Co^te'.

How similar this cruel treatment to treatment of my mother (see above) at Montreal General Hospital!

Menard also spoke about a case of a man taken by police to Santa Cabrini de Montreal hospital.

Another case is a death of 70 years old man, whose heart stopped in Montreal General Hospital after he, accompained by his wife, was waiting at Emergency's waiting room more then 7 hours, and never received any help or even attention.

A 64 years old women died in Trois-Rivieres' hospital after an heart attack, waiting 3 hours at ER in vein.

According to Mr. Menard, such an exceptional cruelty and system's indifference has nothing to do with poor hospitals' conditions or lack of resources, but must be attrubuted exclusively to medical workers criminal actions (violation of laws and regulations).

Menard said that all such cases are just medical workers' crimes, and nothing else, and must be dealt as with any other crime, while in the present-day Canada medical staff is untouchable, and this is the core of the problem.


Listeria outbreak exposes cracks in public health safety: Ont. labs' head

Last Updated: Friday, September 12, 2008 | 9:50 AM ET

Canadians should have known earlier about the listeria outbreak — linked to a meat plant — that has killed at least 16 people, according to the medical director of Ontario's public health laboratories.

Interviewed for a CBC-Toronto Star investigation, Dr. Donald Low, who oversees 12 laboratories including the largest one in Toronto, said the crisis has exposed serious cracks in the public health safety system.

He said the laboratory that in July received the blood samples of two suspected listeriosis victims from the same nursing home was ill-equipped to make an initial link between those first two samples it tested.

"If we had at that time in place a typing system, we would've let the nursing home know, the physician know and we also would've let public health know, and then they could've responded to it," said Low, medical director of the Ontario Public Health Laboratories, where 600 staff handle four million specimens a year.

As it was, it took three weeks for a connection to be made between the two cases and the tainted meat that ignited them.

Listeriosis is a food-borne illness caused by Listeria monocytogenes bacteria. A single strain linked to the 16 deaths has been traced to a Maple Leaf Foods meat processing plant in Toronto, prompting a nationwide recall of its meat products.

Low said the Ontario lab waited until it was contacted by local officials to confirm whether listeria was the culprit — at which point isolates were sent out to the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg to identify the genetic strain.

"That's where the delay came in," he said. "I think we have to take responsibility for that delay."

The practice of waiting for confirmation from the national lab assumes the Ontario lab is ill equipped to handle the testing, which was the case during the SARS outbreak in 2003. The Ontario lab has recruited 11 experts to do the specialized testing, which they started doing this week.

It should be the other way around, with the Ontario lab identifying that the strains were genetically related — the sign of a problem — and alerting local officials, Low said.

Valuable time, and possibly lives, could have been saved by doing the tests for listeria in the Ontario lab instead of waiting for the national microbiology lab in Winnipeg to identify the bacterial strain, according to Low.

If the system had been functioning as it should, he said, it should have been a few days, not weeks, before the link between listeria and the tainted meat from the Maple Leaf plant was made.

In comparison, during this summer's salmonella outbreak in the U.S., genetic fingerprinting was completed and public warnings were issued in a few days.

In an interview with the Toronto Star, Dr. Andrew Simor, head of microbiology and infectious diseases at Toronto's Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, agreed.

"The reality is, [the testing] that is done could be done by any reference lab, and in particular, in my opinion, should be done in a reference lab such as the public health lab we have here in Ontario."

As of Thursday evening, 43 cases of the disease have been linked to the outbreak and 19 more are under investigation, the Public Health Agency of Canada reported. A long list of products made at the plant have been recalled.

In the 16 deaths, listeriosis has been determined to be the underlying or contributing cause; another five deaths are under investigation as to whether listeriosis caused or contributed to them.

Symptoms of listeriosis — which include high fever, severe headache, neck stiffness and nausea — can occur up to 70 days after consuming contaminated food, though the average incubation period is 30 days.

Robert Cribb (thestar.com Staff Reporter) is asking in his article: "Should we have been told sooner about listeria?" (31-Aug-2008 21). Maple Leaf Foods president Michael McCain holds a news conference Aug. 26, 2008 on his company's huge meat recall in the wake of a listeriosis outbreak. 'The only way to deal with uncertainties is to be honest about it' DOUG POWELL, food safety expert Public's right to know weighed against possible lawsuits for crying wolf...

More listeria revelations: CFIA waited (at least) 5 days to issue advisory, policy on going public seems to suck - Posted on September 28, 2008 by Doug Powell.

Toronto’s Globe and Mail newspaper reported Saturday that health officials in Ontario ordered hospitals and nursing homes to stop serving Maple Leaf meats five days before the public was told about a deadly source of food poisoning that has so far claimed 19 lives and left another 60 people seriously ill across Canada.

The CFIA launched its investigation on Aug. 6, after officials at the Ontario Ministry of Health informed it that there was an outbreak of listeriosis in the province. Many local health officials were already grappling with a spike in listeriosis cases, but they did not become aware that the outbreak spanned several provinces until July 30, when they received a directive from the ministry, telling them to urgently report any new cases.

On Aug. 14, health officials in Ontario learned during a telephone conference call with the CFIA that the agency had some test results revealing that Maple Leaf deli meats contained the foodborne bacteria known as Listeria monocytogenes.

The CFIA waited until it had the DNA fingerprint evidence establishing a definitive link before it went public – on Aug. 19, 2008.

CFIA spokesman Garfield Balsom said,

“We had lab results indicating that there was positive listeria in a product and we would issue our normal recall based on that.”

So epidemiology doesn’t count? If CFIA really does not issue public advisories unless it has a positive result, that would explain the low number outbreaks linked to fresh fruits in vegetables in Canada. Who knows how many sick people there are, and how many illnesses and deaths could have been prevented in the current listeriosis outbreak.

A positive listeria sample would have triggered an immediate recall in the U.S. So what is the CFIA policy on going public – on issuing advisories that specific foods may pose an imminent danger to the health of Canadians. CFIA won’t say what their policy is, at least not publicly, but a policy that maligns epidemiology and relies excessively on positive test results – especially when those samples appear to be delivered by stagecoach – is restrictive and reckless.

As past of that accountability, I told the Toronto Star on Thursday that Canada does not need an inquiry and does not need more inspectors, rather,

"People need to do their jobs. The CFIA is accountable to Parliament through the minister of agriculture, so either the minister, or the Prime Minister's Office, should call the head of CFIA on the carpet and say, `You've had this internal report since 2005. Issue some clear guidelines on how to communicate during an outbreak of food-borne illness. Give clear instructions to inspectors and the industry on what is expected to ensure a safe food supply ... If you can't do that, I will find someone else who can – and not some political appointment, someone with a food safety background who will do what is necessary to protect the safety of the Canadian food supply and bolster the Canadian brand in international circles.'"

Such straight talk, especially when it comes to informing the public about health risks, is largely missing in Canada, experts agree.

So while the politicians and unionists pontificate, a columnist at the University of Calgary student paper got the most rightest:

"Canadians have entrusted one single agency, the CFIA, to protect the entire Canadian food supply-- we have placed all food security in one basket.

"If the CFIA did not exist, perhaps Canadians would be better off. … The current food inspection system has failed Canadians. Maybe it is time for a change."

As an aside, a columnist with the Ottawa Citizen who fancies himself as some sort of risk guru wrote Saturday that,

“Another clue lies in the number of listeriosis deaths in past years. According to Statistics Canada, there were five in 2000. In 2001, four. In 2002, seven. In 2003, three. In 2004, one. (Data for subsequent years were unavailable.) …

“The Globe also noted the Canadian regulatory standard is weaker than that of the United States, which allows no listeria content at all in ready-to-eat foods. But the Globe did not report that, according to the Centers for Disease Control, roughly 2,500 Americans become seriously ill with listeriosis each year and 500 die.

“Thus the listeriosis fatality rate is far smaller in Canada than the U.S. That, too, does not suggest a crisis.”

The columnist is comparing actual listeria cases in Canada with estimated cases in the U.S. And why no alarm that the most recent numbers in Canada are from 2004?


Inspectors with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency say their hands-on role at meat plants changed with a CFIA policy introduced three months before the listeriosis outbreak.

06/10/2008 6:23:21 AM

CBC News

CFIA inspectors have told the CBC and the Toronto Star that on April 1, they essentially became auditors of the companies' paperwork, which is part of the compliance verification system. CVS details the measures the country's 198 meat processing plants must adopt to ensure they're operating safely.

"Prior to April 1, [any positive listeria tests] would have had to have been, not only brought to the inspector's attention, but the inspector would have been involved in overseeing the cleanup," said Bob Kingston, head of the union representing CFIA inspectors.

"The CFIA would have been doing their own testing to validate the success of the cleanup. But after April 1, with the changes they brought in, none of that happened. They weren't required to bring their cleanup activities to the inspector's attention, [and] they wouldn't have been required to bring a failed cleanup attempt to the inspector's attention, or repeated positives."

Inspectors said had the alarm bells been sounded earlier, lives could have been saved.

"Bells and whistles would have been sounding if [Maple Leaf officials] had to report positive test findings to an inspector," said one Toronto area CFIA inspector who spoke to the CBC and the Star on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.

"We might not have had anybody dead [if company officials were still obligated to report positive listeria findings]. It's terrible. My dad eats this stuff all the time. I eat it," the inspector said.

At a news conference to announce the food recall in August 2008, Maple Leaf Foods president Michael McCain told reporters that the company made repeated attempts to find the source of the contamination.

"Inside a food facility with very aggressive environmental management programs ... it's not uncommon to get a positive result," he said.

Under the new policy, inspectors only check records for listeria tests twice a month rather than being alerted immediately.

Maple Leaf makes all of its paperwork and testing available to CFIA inspectors, but doesn't actively alert inspectors when positive tests are discovered, company spokeswoman Linda Smith confirmed in an interview last week:

"The protocol Maple Leaf had in place was if they found a positive, they would sanitize the area and then you'd need to find three negatives in a row to leave that area alone. In [the north Toronto Maple Leaf plant from which the outbreak was traced], there were occasional positives. They would sanitize and test three subsequent times and in all of those cases, they did not find another positive in that area."

Union president Bob Kingston said inspectors used to follow Chapter 5 of the agency's Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedure, which is still on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency website:

"Establishments testing positive for listeria species or Listeria monocytogenes in the environment are required to submit an action plan to the inspector in charge, indicating all corrective measures which will be implemented to eliminate listeria in the RTE (ready-to-eat) environment. The area program specialist may be contacted for advice on the acceptability of the action plan."

Kingston said the "requirement to submit an action plan" is absent from their new instruction manual, the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedure.

The procedures in the new manual detail the steps companies must take to ensure safety. But inspectors say it makes it too difficult for them to do their jobs properly.

"Before, you had authority, you were like a cop. We were the meat police. Now, you're just looking at the paperwork," the Toronto-area inspector said.

Tom Graham, national inspection manager for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, rejects the claim that inspectors spend too much time reviewing company paperwork rather than performing physical inspections. He insists that CVS increases accountability because it forces inspectors to examine a number of company records that could raise red flags about contamination.

"Our inspectors are looking at 14 different tasks that are all related to ensuring that there's no pathogens in products. Whether it's ensuring that the equipment is clean ... then it would lead them to looking at those records as well," Graham said.

The union said inspectors it has canvassed in the last few weeks disagree, complaining that they're so flooded with paperwork that they have little time to review the companies' listeria tests.

The CBC and Toronto Star have also learned that in a closed-door meeting last month, the union demanded that the food inspection agency make it mandatory for companies to report listeria tests to inspectors right away.

"The CFIA needs to get grassroots feedback about what works and what doesn't work, said a veteran inspector from the Vancouver area. "CVS isn't working. Let's go back to basics, get the inspector back in the plant, spending more time there on the ground.

"I think that change would have prevented a preventable situation like the listeria problem, which has alarmed me," the inspector said. "It's a travesty for the department."

The agency's national inspection director, Tom Graham, concedes that the CFIA may change the policy to make it mandatory for companies to report positive test results to inspectors immediately.

"The policy right now is going through a revision. I can't sit here and tell you that that revision is going to be done tomorrow or next week."

Graham said that, in the meantime, inspectors are conducting "blitzes" across the country to ensure that no tainted meat is leaving processing plants.

"All I can do is assure the Canadian public that we're making sure that all results are being looked at by the inspection staff," Graham said.


Mary-Ann Barr

Mary-Ann Barr is Advocate assistant city editor. Her column appears Tuesdays and Saturdays. She can be reached by e-mail at barr@reddeeradvocate.com or by phone at 314-4332.

By Mary-Ann Barr - Red Deer Advocate

Published: September 22, 2008 12:18 PM

Canada is facing the worst epidemic of listeriosis ever seen and the death toll continues to climb.

Canadians should be deeply concerned that this is happening in their country and should, like the Canadian Medical Association Journal, be demanding a full-scale public inquiry.

But all that the Stephen Harper Conservative government has offered is an independent investigation into the deaths of 17 (as of Friday) Canadians who had consumed products from a Maple Leaf Foods plant in Toronto. And oh yes, his minister of Agriculture’s apologies for insensitive jokes about the countrywide outbreak.

Minister Gerry Ritz may find the electorate in his home riding in Saskatchewan equally insensitive to his desire to be re-elected during this federal election. Without repeating Ritz’s idiotic statements here, the poor judgment displayed should have resulted in Harper demoting him. Instead, Harper defends him and points to the fact that Ritz has been under a lot of pressure.

During a crisis we should expect the very best — not the worst — from our top politicians.

Besides the 18 confirmed related deaths — one being in Alberta — there are also seven more deaths under investigation that may be related. The Alberta case involved a woman from Grande Prairie.

Why is Harper not offering a public inquiry? It may be that the federal government is partially at fault by failing to protect the public adequately.

The outbreak of listeriosis began in August, but because of the way the illness develops, people who consumed the contaminated products might not fall ill for up to 70 days. The bacteria involved, as we well know now, can cause blood and brain infections, and death.

Maple Leaf Foods and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency have recalled contaminated products produced before Aug. 20. The code 97B appears on the best-before or packaged-on dates.

A friend in Calgary called wondering what I knew about the situation because she had several Maple Leaf products in her freezer. And as it turns out, they had the 97B code on them. I’m so glad she checked. This is scary stuff.

We must ask whether there is adequate food inspection in this country. Or is that just the risk we accept in this day of processed food consumption?

The Canadian Medical Association Journal said this week in an editorial: “As in the Walkerton and SARS epidemics, an outbreak of this size may point to systemic failures across multiple levels.” The journal criticizes the Conservative government’s decision to transfer inspection of processed meats to the industry itself.

I wonder why is it that some governments think that self-regulation and self-inspection is better? It may be cheaper, but it’s not arm’s length.

The medical journal also points out that the federal government allows listeria standards to be lower here than in most countries.

There are many questions, such as whether testing could have been done sooner so Canadians could have been warned sooner. One suggestion is that testing done in Winnipeg instead of Ontario may have delayed the alert.

And how many earlier deaths could be related but not considered because the alarm had yet to be raised? And are there enough meat inspectors on the floor?

The details as to who will do the independent investigation Harper is offering have yet to be announced. But it should come as quickly as possible, with recommendations implemented as quickly as possible.

We know that Maple Leaf Foods shut down the plant and cleaned up its equipment. But what do we know of what’s being done on the part of government agency action in the field to be certain that it won’t happen again?

The trouble with the sort of investigation the Conservative government intends is the public does not see and hear what is being asked, of whom, and by whom.

The Walkerton public inquiry into tainted water in Ontario that claimed seven lives was held in full view of the public.

So it should be with this terrible listeriosis epidemic.

Mary-Ann Barr is Advocate assistant city editor. Her column appears Tuesdays and Saturdays. She can be reached by e-mail at barr@reddeeradvocate.com or by phone at 403-314-4332



Harper defends minister who made listeriosis jokes
But calls Ritz's comments 'completely inappropriate'

Last Updated: Thursday, September 18, 2008 | 12:21 PM ET

CBC News

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper meets seniors following a news conference in Trois-Rivie`res, Que., Thursday.Conservative Leader Stephen Harper meets seniors following a news conference in Trois-Rivie`res, Que., Thursday. (Paul Chiasson/Canadian Press)

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper came to the defence of Gerry Ritz on Thursday, a day after the agriculture minister came under fire for making jokes about the listeriosis outbreak.

While campaigning in the strategically vital province of Quebec, Harper called Ritz's comments about the outbreak that has been linked to the deaths of 17 Canadians ''completely inappropriate."

But Harper dismissed pressure from opposition parties for him to apologize personally on behalf of the government and fire Ritz, noting the minister had already offered his unreserved apologies.

"I think he’s been doing a good job on this file and applaud him for apologizing completely and forthrightly," Harper told reporters in Trois-Rivie`res.

All three opposition parties called for Ritz's resignation Thursday, as did family members of those who died from the listeriosis outbreak.

The controversy again forced the Conservatives into damage control mode during their campaign for the Oct. 14 federal election after earlier gaffes by campaign staff threw the Tories off message.

The Canadian Press reported on Wednesday that Ritz made the controversial remarks at an August conference call with scientists, bureaucrats and political staff.

Fretting about the political dangers of the crisis, Ritz reportedly quipped: "This is like a death by a thousand cuts. Or should I say cold cuts."

When mistakenly told about a reported death in Prince Edward Island, Ritz said: "Please tell me it's [Liberal MP] Wayne Easter." It has now been determined that no one has died from the listeriosis outbreak in P.E.I.

'Shows insensitivity to families'

Harper said Thursday that Ritz "was working very, very hard" at the time he made the comments.

"I think this story is obviously very embarrassing for him, very unfortunate," Harper said.

"But should not detract from the good work that he has done to get on top and understand this matter, to improve the system, and to communicate publicly with Canadians and to make sure that government officials are all doing their job."

Ritz had initially received praise during the crisis last month for immediately returning to Ottawa and handling the federal response, although opposition critics decried Health Minister Tony Clement's decision to remain in Denver for the U.S. Democratic national convention.

Easter, the Liberal agriculture critic, told CBC News Thursday morning that his party called for Ritz's resignation in September over his handling of the outbreak, not for his wisecracking.

Easter also called on Harper to apologize to families who have been affected by listeriosis.

The joke Ritz made about Easter is in keeping with "a pattern of the Harper government in which anyone who disagrees with them is going to be treated with disrespect and attacked," he said.

"But the real terrible point here is that this shows insensitivity to families who lost loved ones and to the seriousness of the issue itself." Ritz showed 'lack of respect,' families say

The mother of 36-year-old Kristen Hicks, who died in an Alberta hospital Aug. 14 of listeriosis, said she's angry about Ritz's comments.

"I think Mr. Ritz showed very poor judgment and a lack of respect for the Canadians he's representing," Mary Hicks told CBC News.

Hicks questioned Ritz's scripted apology without allowing questions, saying it made her feel that "public safety was secondary to his wish to remain in office."

Also Thursday, the son of a Saskatchewan woman who contracted the same bacteria strain was offended when he learned of the remarks.

"If Harper is the right kind of person to run this country, he's got to do the right thing and get rid of this minister. Simple as that," said Dennis Schroh, whose 82-year-old mother Elizabeth Schroh died Aug. 24.

"For sure, I was a Tory. Now this is going to change me. No doubt about it," he told the Canadian Press.

Elizabeth Schroh's death is still under investigation to determine whether listeriosis was a contributing or underlying factor in her death. Ignatieff accuses Tories of 'callous incompetence'

Meanwhile, Liberal deputy leader Michael Ignatieff immediately struck out at Harper over Ritz's comments during his first national campaign appearance with Ste'phane Dion in Toronto.

"This is a government who at a time when Canadians are dying of listeriosis has an agriculture minister making cheap and offensive cracks," Ignatieff told the crowd of Liberal candidates and supporters.

"That is not leadership; that is callous incompetence. A real leader would fire Gerry Ritz."

The call for Harper to dismiss Ritz was immediately echoed by NDP Leader Jack Layton, who said Canadians are already tired of "weeks of inaction" from the Conservative government on the listeriosis crisis.

"And then when his agriculture minister jokes about it, what do we get but excuses?" Layton said at a campaign appearance in Winnipeg Thursday. "I say that if Stephen Harper was a strong leader, he would take action now."

The latest controversy has drawn comparisons to an earlier tempest in the campaign over comments made by Conservative communications director Ryan Sparrow.

The party suspended Sparrow indefinitely after he sent an e-mail to a reporter suggesting comments made by the father of a Canadian soldier who died in the Afghanistan mission were politically motivated. Sparrow immediately apologized.

Harper personally apologized to Dion in the first week of the campaign after the Tory party's website briefly featured a puffin defecating on the Liberal leader's shoulder.

Families angry about Ritz's listeriosis jokes

Last Updated: Thursday, September 18, 2008 | 8:05 PM ET

The son of a Saskatchewan woman who contracted the strain of listeria linked to the Maple Leaf Foods meat recall says he is furious federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz was making jokes about the listeriosis outbreak six days after her death.

Elizabeth Schroh, who died Aug. 24 at age 82, was a resident at a nursing home in Macklin, a town in the Lloydminster-Battlefords riding Ritz represents as a member of Parliament.

An investigation is underway to determine whether listeriosis was a contributing or underlying factor in her death.

Her son, Dennis Schroh, said he was offended when news broke that Ritz had cracked jokes about the outbreak while he was on a conference call with scientists and political staffers Aug. 30.

During the call, Ritz said the political fallout from the outbreak was "like a death by a thousand cuts. Or should I say cold cuts."

When he was told about a new listeriosis-linked death in Prince Edward Island, Ritz said, "Please tell me it's Wayne Easter," referring to the Liberal agriculture critic.

"It's something a person should not be saying at this time at all. It's not a joke," Schroh said in an interview with the Canadian Press from his home in Swift Current, Sask., on Thursday. "I mean, I wouldn't say that about anybody."

Schroh, who said he was a Conservative supporter prior to the story breaking, said he doesn't believe Ritz's apology for his comments was sincere and wants Conservative Leader Stephen Harper to fire him.

"If Harper is the right kind of person to run this country, he's got to do the right thing and get rid of this minister. Simple as that," he said.

Elizabeth Schroh's daughter, Joanne Doetzel, was not as angry as her brother.

She said she thought Ritz's apology was sincere and that he simply made a mistake.

"He made a flippant remark. I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt and, up until now, he's been doing a good job, so why should I say 'resign'?" Doetzel said.

"People are allowed to make mistakes, and hopefully, he learns from this one."

Doetzel noted that her mother voted for Ritz and that after she died, Ritz called Doetzel to offer his condolences.

Ritz showed 'poor judgment,' mother says

In Ontario, the mother of 36-year-old Kristen Hicks, who died in an Alberta hospital of listeriosis on Aug. 14, said she's upset by Ritz's comments.

"I think Mr. Ritz showed very poor judgment and a lack of respect for the Canadians he's representing," Mary Hicks told CBC News.

Hicks took issue with Ritz's scripted apology and his refusal to take questions from the media, saying it made her feel that "public safety was secondary to his wish to remain in office."

Hicks told CBC News she thought that both the agriculture and the health minister had done a poor job handling the outbreak.

"And now, in light of a very, very serious and heartbreaking situation, they seem to be taking it no more seriously," she said.

Karen Clark's mother, Frances Clark, was the first victim to be named in the Canadian listeriosis outbreak. Her daughter told CBC News that she was still upset by Ritz's comments.

"It's hurtful to make light of it, because it certainly isn't a light situation," she said.

"It was a very traumatic thing for our family."

On Thursday, Harper stood by his agriculture minister's apology and rebuffed calls for Ritz's resignation. Ritz won his seat by more than 11,000 votes in the election.

Listeriosis lawsuit moves forward

So far, 17 deaths have been linked to the recall of meat products from a Maple Leaf Foods plant in Toronto.

Evatt Merchant, a lawyer with the Regina firm that's handling listeriosis-related class-action lawsuits in six provinces, called Ritz's comments "totally inappropriate and incredibly insensitive," especially given that families are still grieving the loss of loved ones.

"Now, you have comments that have been made that revictimize the families, in terms of giving them the impression that their own government doesn't appreciate just how devastating a tragedy this is," Merchant said from his firm's Calgary office.

So far, about 3,900 people have signed on to the lawsuits Merchant's firm is handling. Of those, Merchant said 16 people are relatives of people who have died because of listeriosis.

However, not all of those deaths have been confirmed to be linked to the same listeria strain that has been traced back to a slicing machine at the Maple Leaf Foods plant.

Harper stands by Ritz despite listeriosis jokes

OTTAWA—Prime Minister Stephen Harper is standing by embattled Agriculture minister Gerry Ritz.
A sheepish Ritz admitted yesterday to making “tasteless” jokes last month about a listeriosis outbreak linked to processed meats that’s now killed 17 people.

Ritz apologized after The Canadian Press reported he was cracking wise about the crisis during an Aug. 30 conference call with scientists, bureaucrats, and political staff.
Harper acknowledges the controversy is embarrassing to Ritz, but says he’s done a good job and shouldn’t be punished.
During the call, Ritz called the crisis “a death by a thousand cuts—or should I say cold cuts.”
And when told about a new death in Prince Edward Island: “Please tell me it’s [Liberal agriculture critic] Wayne Easter.”
Both Liberal leader Stephane Dion and NDP leader Jack Layton have urged Harper to fire Ritz.
“We know that PMO staff were in on this conference call in which Mr. Ritz so callously joked about people dying,” Dion noted. “And yet they allowed him to continue in his role as the government spokesman for this crisis. Why?”
So far, Harper has demonstrated an aggressive, merciless attitude toward campaign-trail gaffes and missteps—apologizing quickly and without reservation.
This time, however, a Conservative spokesman already has indicated Ritz won’t face disciplinary action.
“It was clearly inappropriate,” Kory Teneycke said yesterday. “It was intended as a joke, but some things are not appropriate to joke about.”
And later: “A resignation was not offered and none was asked for.”
That wasn’t sitting well with Dion.
“Why does Mr. Harper think that it’s okay to fire a campaign staffer for an inappropriate comment about a dead soldier’s father, but he can ignore an even more offensive remark by one of his senior ministers?” the Liberal leader asked.
During the conference call, Ritz was deeply concerned about the political fallout as listeriosis claimed more victims in the days before the federal election call, according to sources who were listening in.
Others on the call included communications staff from the Prime Minister’s Office, most of Ritz’s staff, Health minister Tony Clement’s policy and communications advisers, and senior public servants, including deputy health minister Morris Rosenberg.
Officials from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency provided updates on the disease during the conversation.
The sources who spoke to The Canadian Press did so on condition of anonymity. Harper’s Conservative government has been relentless, on a number of occasions in the past, in searching for and punishing anyone thought to have provided embarrassing information to reporters.
But as the Tory damage-control effort swung into action yesterday, it was Ritz who offered apologies for his ill-chosen words—three times.
He first expressed regrets in an e-mail, then repeated them in person at a campaign rally in suburban Ottawa. He then apologized yet again, outside his parliamentary office building at 10:30 p.m. for the benefit of television cameras that had missed him earlier in the evening.
“It was a highly-stressful time,” Ritz said in his original prepared statement. “Many people were working countless hours and attending countless meetings to keep on top of the situation.
“In that context, I made a couple of spur-of-moment offhand comments. In particular, one about my official opposition critic, whom I have already called to apologize.
“My comments were tasteless and completely inappropriate. I apologize unreservedly.”
Ritz later added some remarks directly addressed to those who suffered personal losses in the listeriosis outbreak.
“I want to offer my most humble and heartfelt regrets to the families of those affected by this tragedy,” he said. “I did not intend to add to their suffering, and I very deeply apologize for that.”
The words failed to satisfy Layton, who called on Harper to take disciplinary action.
“I think the prime minister has to fire Gerry Ritz as minister immediately, and he has to fire him as a candidate in this election,” Layton said.
“I don’t see anything funny about what Mr. Ritz said.”

No wonder that "the street" reacted in next way:

Listeriosis deaths are real funny, eh Minister Ritz?
September 17th, 2008 |
Posted by Scott Tribe
Published in Canadian Politics

Apparently, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz thought that the Listeriosis outbreak and subsequent deaths due to it was absolutely hysterical:

Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz unnerved some public servants at the height of the listeriosis crisis by resorting to gallows humour during a conference call about a public health scare that has now killed 17 people…Sources who took notes during the call said Ritz fretted about the political dangers of the crisis, before quipping: “This is like a death by a thousand cuts. Or should I say cold cuts.” . The disease was linked to cold cuts from Maple Leaf Meats. …when told about a new death in Prince Edward Island, Ritz said: “Please tell me it’s (Liberal MP) Wayne Easter.”

You’re a real riot, Ritz. I’m sure the families of the 17 people who’ve died from this outbreak really find your humour to be a balm for their losses. Let’s also not forget what I posted earlier - a Canadian Medical Association Journal editorial holds the Conservatives and their practises of removing the inspections from government inspections and letting the industry police/inspect its own meat to be partly responsible for this national tragedy, and criticizes the government for praising “the success of our infectious disease surveillance system — as if, with 16 dead, there were cause to celebrate — while food safety standards remain as low as ever.”

This isn’t the first Cabinet Minister to think Listeriosis is a joking matter - Health Minister Tony Clement decided to try his comedy out in Denver at the height of this outbreak, while he was meeting with oil executives, but Ritz is over the top.. and he should be fired (or his riding should fire him themselves, since Harper won’t bother to do so).

Hat tip to nottawa, who is on blogging fire today.

UPDATE @ 8:26 pm: Hoo boy. Harper goes nasty again when responding to the CMAJ editorial. There were multiple contributors to this article, and CBC kindly lists them for us:

The editorial was written by Amir Attaran, Canada Research Chair in Law, Population Health and Global Development Policy at the University of Ottawa, and journal editors Dr. Noni MacDonald, Dr. Matthew Stanbrook, Barbara Sibbald, Dr. Ken Flegel, Dr. Rajendra Kale and Dr. Paul He'bert.

Yet here is Harper’s response:

As he defended his government’s record on food and product safety, Harper also dismissed criticism in an editorial of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, of his government’s approach to food inspection in the listeriosis crisis. He said it was one author who said it, not the position of the medical association. “This author is in our opinion not someone who is credible.”

Putting aside the fact that Harper can’t count, as Montreal Simon says, Harper has now apparently added doctors to their growing list of people Conservatives consider to be enemies.




Plus, read our short anthology:

OTTAWA — The RCMP requires its officers to file a written report each time a Taser is fired, or even removed from its holster. The Canadian Press and CBC obtained more than 4,000 such reports for the period from 2001 to 2007. Some statistics on the number of reports filed, by year and by region:

2001: 2; 2002: 84; 2003: 559; 2004: 240; 2005: 597; 2006: 1,119; 2007: 1,414

(Note: The RCMP suspended mandatory reporting in 2004, reinstating the requirement in 2005.)


2007 reports

Newfoundland and Labrador: 24

Nova Scotia: 53

Prince Edward Island: 16

New Brunswick: 81

Quebec: 0

Ontario (including Ottawa HQ): 2

Manitoba: 129

Saskatchewan: 108

Alberta: 371

British Columbia: 496

Yukon: 36

Northwest Territories: 53

Nunavut: 45

(Note: The RCMP does minimal front-line policing in Ontario and Quebec.)

Source: RCMP

another taser victim dies

* Posted in the Canada Forum

Friday Sep 19

While there are clearly safety issues with the Tasers currently in use it's not very smart to fight with the cops. It never ends well.

There was a guy south of Ottawa a year or so ago, the cops raided his farm because they had received reports he had a ton of weapons. He came home after they arrived, was told to get on the ground and instead of doing that he reached into his pocket for keys. They warned him again and then tasered him. He lived and of course whined he was jolted. A few years ago they would have shot him. In theory it's a good weapon but there are too many human variables involved. The only upside is that you're more likely to survive a Taser than a gunshot....


Saturday Sep 20

Ottawa Gal wrote:

While there are clearly safety issues with the Tasers currently in use it's not very smart to fight with the cops. It never ends well.

There was a guy south of Ottawa a year or so ago, the cops raided his farm because they had received reports he had a ton of weapons. He came home after they arrived, was told to get on the ground and instead of doing that he reached into his pocket for keys. They warned him again and then tasered him. He lived and of course whined he was jolted. A few years ago they would have shot him. In theory it's a good weapon but there are too many human variables involved. The only upside is that you're more likely to survive a Taser than a gunshot....

Lots of people have been tasered and didn't need to be. It is an over used and abused weapon nowadays by our police. There are times when it may be justified but there's times it isn't.

What happened to the tough cops of years gone by? You started fighting years ago and you got a good punch in the face then wrestled to the ground, maybe a good kick too.

What about the 80 yr old man who was tasered in a hospital bed in Edmonton? Yeah that's right...he was arguementative with the nurses and the cop tasered this old man in a hospital bed for godsakes!!

No one will ever convince me that getting jolted by thousands of volts is good for your heart, kidneys, liver etc..


Taser victim's family suing cops, hospital, Taser maker over death

Canwest News Service

Published: Friday, September 12, 2008

CALGARY -- The family of Jason Doan, who died after he was shot with a Taser in Red Deer, Alta., is suing three Mounties, the health region and hospital and the firm that makes the weapon for wrongful death.

The suit seeks $1.7 million for loss of income, love, care and guidance.

Doan, 28, was apparently smashing vehicle windows when police were called on Aug. 10, 2006. After a short chase, officers subdued Doan and a Taser was used. Doan went into a coma and died Aug. 30.

Named as defendants are Const. Chris Kosack, Const. Bea Kiziak, Const. Jason Vedder, Tony Makowski -- a civilian who the suit alleges was involved in the incident -- along with the David Thompson Health Region, the Red Deer

Regional Hospital, Dr. Regina Donnelly, Dr. Sepehr Javaheri and paramedics Adam Erickson and Everette Wendy. Also being sued is Taser International Inc., the company that makes the conducted-energy weapon.

The suit, filed Aug. 26, alleges that during the arrest, Doan was also kicked, hit and punched multiple times in the head and ribs before the Taser was used.

"After the third hit with the [Taser], Jason Wayne Doan was handcuffed and non-responsive," say the documents.

A public inquiry into Doan's death has been scheduled for December.

Statement of defence papers have not yet been filed.

The Vancouver Province 2008

Tasers are Torture
After a series of shocking reports of police torture using the taser I can no longer remain silent about this issue and neither should you.
by Michael McDonnough

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A nation that endorses torture deserves to receive no better than they give. That is the law of return and it is one that I firmly believe in. We as citizens of this nation must make it clear that we do not accept the use of torture by our government. If it means that we are more vulnerable to terrorist or criminals I submit that torture is a form of terrorism itself and if we stand by and say nothing about it we defacto endorse it as well. That is one of the reasons for this article.

It was prompted by the recent taser torture of a critically injured child by police officers in Ozark Missouri. I am sure you have all read this but it will help frame my article.


Tasers a form of torture, says UN

Australia Daily Telegraph

Sunday November 25, 2007

TASER electronic stun guns are a form of torture that can kill, a UN committee has declared after several recent deaths in North America. "The use of these weapons causes acute pain, constituting a form of torture,'' the UN's Committee against Torture said.

"In certain cases, they can even cause death, as has been shown by reliable studies and recent real-life events,'' the committee of 10 experts said. Three men, all in their early 20s, were reported to have died in the United States this week, days after a Polish man died at Vancouver airport after being Tasered by Canadian police.

The man, Robert Dziekanski, 40, fell to the ground and died after the police officers piled on top of him. There have been three deaths in Canada after the use of Tasers over the past five weeks. The company that makes the weapons has said that similar deaths have been shown by "medical science and forensic analysis'' to be "attributable to other factors and not the low-energy electrical discharge of the Taser". The UN committee made its comments in recommendations to Portugal, which has bought the newest Taser X26 stun gun for use by police.

Portugal "should consider giving up the use of the Taser X26,'' as its use can have a grave physical and mental impact on those targeted, which violates the UN's Convention against Torture, the experts said.


{Author's Note: "Perhaps it is time that the USA should consider giving up the use of the Taser as well."}

There are many good sites out there that are tracking these abusive incidents of police cruelty and torture. Their victims are not all criminals that somehow deserve to be tortured as many believe. Many are like this 16 year old boy that did nothing to deserve to suffer this outragous abuse of authority.







I would like to set up a site like these and get an activist organization going that works on the local level to get people flyering and posting in areas where police officers have used tasers as torture devices as with this recent 16 year old critically injured child. Download a copy of this UN Convention on Torture. Print out and mark up the description of torture and see if this device does not qualify in your mind.

Taser Torture Victim in the Hospital

Raw Story Video Clip Injured, Tasered Teen: "At Least I’m Alive."

We need to bring public shame and attention to bear on these offenders of human dignity. They should suffer the most harsh light of critical awareness the public can bring to bear on them.

I am so disgusted with this situation. If we do not start to act to stamp out this cruelty it could be any of our children or friends next. This abuse must stop. People of conscious need to stand up and act not sit like docile dogs waiting to be kicked by their cruel masters. Enough is enough. Tasers are torture plain and simple when they are used in this manner. Comply or Fry. This is not a situation I can sit by any longer and say nothing about it. Let me know how you feel about it. I can be reached privately using pidgin plugin. My AIM username is tetragramion.

More of my notes will be added below.

Taser Death Chart of the US

Notes from a great article from 2005 by Jenny Brown Tasers: police torture weapons In March, Orange County police used a taser electrical shock gun on an 18 year old Orlando man who was tied to a hospital bed. The reason given was that the man refused to give a urine sample.

According to an exhaustively documented November 30, 2004 report by Amnesty International on taser use in the U.S. and Canada, electro-shock weapons are now used by police departments to enforce compliance with police orders, to retaliate against handcuffed suspects who are talking back or refusing to follow police instructions, and as punishment in prisons.

Amnesty has also identified over 70 deaths associated with tasers, and called for a complete suspension of their use until objective studies of their effects have been done. Amnesty's full report is available

A lawsuit filed on behalf of a Washington woman shows how quickly tasers have become the weapons of choice for any situation. An officer with the Washougal, Washington police department went to the house of Russian immigrant Olga Rybak with a dog citation because her dog had allegedly bitten another officer the day before. Amnesty reports on the lawsuit:

Rybak, who spoke little English, at first refused to sign [the citation], asking for a translator. While attempting to arrest her, the officer shocked her at least 12 times in 91 seconds in front of her two young sons - first using the weapon as a stun gun, then stepping back to insert a cartridge and twice firing darts at Rybak who was writhing around on the front porch. When the boys (aged 11 and 12) tried to help their mother, the officer reportedly threatened to taser them as well. Rybak's attorney has informed Amnesty International that the boys have been receiving psychiatric treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of the incident. The officer was the Taser Training officer for the department. (figures doesn't it)

Police officers who train with tasers and their taser torture victims may be brain damaged according to a recent study. Here is the article. Stun guns may cause brain injury

New research finds that stun guns—also known as Tasers and used by two-thirds of the nation's law enforcement agencies—may impair people's cognitive functioning.

In a study of 62 police officers, researchers at Rosalind Franklin University of Medical Science in Chicago and the University of Illinois found that police officers who had been "tased" during training drills fared worse than a control group in attention, processing speed and memory. The results, though preliminary, suggest that law enforcement agencies should reconsider their use of Tasers in training exercises and that researchers need to further investigate the potential long-term effects, says study co-author Neil Pliskin, PhD, a University of Illinois psychology professor.

"It's a provocative finding because the kinds of difficulties that were observed ... are the same kinds of changes we see in people who have suffered electrical shocks from accidents involving domestic power sources," Pliskin says.


Are PM Stephen Harper and Hon Gary Lunn above the Law & Science?

Jan 16th, 2008 Update:

"Nuclear-gate: Head of Canada Nuclear Safety Watchdog fired in the dark of night"


Quoting Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission's website,

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is an independent federal government agency that regulates the use of nuclear energy and material to protect health, safety, security and the environment and to respect Canada's international commitments on the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

I am very troubled by Prime Minister Harper's lack of basic understanding of the meaning of an "independent federal government agency".

Allow me to also quote the Guide Book for Heads of Agencies (Section II, Point #2) for the record and completeness (emphasis mine),

Maintaining an arm's length relationship to Ministers is particularly important for those organizations whose mandate is to make decisions that determine or regulate the privileges, rights or benefits of Canadians. Governments delegate decision-making powers to these bodies, in part, to preserve public confidence in the fairness of the decision-making process. In turn, the exercise of these powers requires careful attention to ensure that the appropriate degree of independence is maintained.

The independence of Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), a Quasi-Judicial Administrative Tribunal, is very important.

In the early morning (2:02 am MST) of Friday Jan 11th, 2008, I finally finished reading all 41 pages of the key "Correspondence between Minister Gary Lunn and CNSC President Linda Keen",

* Letter from Minister Gary Lunn to President Linda Keen - December 27, 2007 (a 3 pages PDF)

* Letter from President Linda Keen to Minister Gary Lunn - January 8, 2008 (a 35 pages PDF)

* Letter from AECL to the CNSC - December 23, 2005 (a 3 pages PDF)

The first 8 pages of Letter from President Linda Keen to Minister Gary Lunn is a must read for everyone interested in this controversy (and it is an easy read). And then the remaining pages are the shocking details. In particular, take a look of the seven safety upgrades including Emergency Power to Two Heavy Water Pumps (see pg 16-17 of the Letter PDF file) explained that the Chalk River nuclear reactor was commissioned in 1957 and this reactor was decided in 1996 that it would **not** continue to operate after **Dec 31, 2005**!

In PDF pg 15 of Letter from President Linda Keen (emphasis mine),

"A comparison of the NRU [National Research Universal reactor] design and new research reactors showed that the NRU design fell below current standards and practices, particularly in the design of defense-in-depth barriers such as shutdowns, emergency core cooling and confinement."

These are important safety concerns. And in PDF pg 16 of the Letter from President Linda Keen (emphasis mine),

"The upgrades were designed to improve the safety of the reactor by providing systems aimed at preventing accidents or, in the event of an accident, mitigating its consequences."

Sections 7, 8, and 9 of the Letter from President Linda Keen (pg 23-29 of the PDF file) are important sections. In fact, I think section 9 (pg 28 of PDF) "Withdrawal of Legal Services from the CNSC" in the Letter from President Linda Keen indicated to me that the Canadian government has crossed the ethical line completely.

I am wondering out loud that should some one in the government or Justice department be held accountable (in fact, for criminal obstruction, or at least obstruction in the operation of a Quasi-Judicial Administrative Tribunal)? I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that legal services for CNSC were pulled by the Justice Department on Dec 10, 2007, without notice, just the day before the government tabled and passed Bill C-38 on Dec 11, 2007. Did this pull of legal service happen by pure chance? I doubt it. Should the government know the potential impact on the tabling of an upcoming (in 24 hours) piece of critical legislation while CNSC is not served by adequate legal advices? This has critical importance in the normal functioning of a Quasi-Judicial Administrative Tribunal, such as CNSC. In this case, on the surface, it was as if the government became a dictator and took away the needed legal services at the most critical time and then hush in a piece of legislation that may not serve Canadians long term interest (while solving the immediate problem of medical isotope supply).

After reading and evaluating the 41-page of materials from the above freely downloadable PDF files, I've drawn the following partial conclusions. Ultimately, PM Harper and Hon. Lunn are both humans and they are not above the Law nor Science.

1) Hon. Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources, should be fired or he should resign. Hon. Lunn has definitely crossed the line of pressuring, intimidating an **independent** federal government agency that Hon. Lunn should have known better.

A careless conversation by Hon Andy Scott cost him his position as Solicitor General. What Hon. Lunn had done was much worst as he actively pressured and threated to fire Ms. Keen, an officer of an independent federal government agency, without cause. And that had lead to a serious erosion of the public confidence of CNSC.

2) Minister of Health, to me, only played a side role and I don't think the Minister of Health is responsible for the problem or the tactics related to Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL). I might be wrong, if I am wrong, then the Minister of Health should be reprimanded as well.

3) An investigation of the Justice Department should be launched with respect to the allegation in section 9 (pg 28 of PDF) "Withdrawal of Legal Services from the CNSC" in the Letter from President Linda Keen. This can be a serious offense where the Minister of Justice may be ultimately be held responsible. It is too early to say if the Minister of Justice should resign too.

4) Prime Minister Harper has continuted to defend his ministers. So it is time for PM Harper to come clean that he doesn't know much about Nuclear reactors and their safe operations. He should fire Hon. Lunn from his position as Minister of Natural Resources for his mishandling of the whole issue.

PM Harper should apologize to Canadians that he had made a mistake when he told Canadians something to the effect that only" paperworks" were missing.

If PM Harper reminds defiant and ignorant of the implication of ministers and as prime minister dictating to a "independent federal government agency", then the PM should himself resign as well because no one, not even the PM himself, is above the Law of Canada and the Law of Science. Just ask the families of people who died when medical equipment malfunctions. Or the families of the crew of the NASA Challenger Space Shuttle Mission. Well thought out safety measures in the arena of science are usually designed/created for a specific scientific reason. And those scientific reasons/decisions are best left in the hands of scientists and not politicians or managers.

P.S. In my 17th December, 2007 posting "When Politicians go Nuclear Active", I made the mistake of trusting the House and Senate members' judgment in taking a calculated risk against the view of Ms. Keen, a scientist by training.

In hindsight, knowing what I know now, the risk of reopening was much more serious than I had originally been aware of (e.g. all these public documents were not available then) and the decision to force open the facility will remain a case of politics trumping science when the politicians from all parties were clueless of the science! I strive to make this the last time I let politicians overrule independent and well-respected scientists on scientifically justified decisions.

My deepest apologies to Ms. Keen, President of Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), for not supporting you earlier.

Science Canada

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ex-nuclear safety chief resigns from 'demoted' role

Sep 23, 2008

CTV News


Former Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission boss Linda Keen has stepped down from her role on the CNSC's board of directors, complaining she has been demoted by the government to a position that is an "artificial creation."

Keen was president and CEO of the CNSC when the Chalk River nuclear reactor was shut down last year over safety concerns.

The shutdown led to a worldwide shortage of medical isotopes until Parliament issued an emergency order to restart the Atomic Energy of Canada reactor, overriding Keen's objections.

In a letter addressed to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Keen said her term as president and CEO had earlier been extended until November 2010, but she was removed from the role on January 15 by an Order-in-Council "without reason or cause."

"I was demoted to a full-time Commission member position of the CNSC. This full-time Commission member position is an artificial creation. Despite my repeated requests, it does not have a job description nor any identified tasks beyond those of a part-time Commission member," she wrote.

In the letter, Keen acknowledges she has launched legal proceedings to have her dismissal overturned, and said it wouldn't be appropriate to continue as a member of the CNSC's board of directors until a court ruling was issued.

Any decisions she made as a board member would be constantly suspected of bias and second-guessed by government officials and applicants before the panel, she said.

"I believe that actually sitting, and making regulatory decisions, as a demoted Commission member when the Government questions my competence and claims to have lost confidence in me, and with my legal case pending against the Attorney General of Canada, would be inappropriate and would place both the CNSC and myself in an untenable position," Keen wrote.

She said the purpose of the letter was to provide notice to the government that she will not be available to sit on any hearing, meeting or panel during its fall hearings.